Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W
Index: Windows Programming in Assembly Language
- !( boolean_expression ) 1
- #(...)# in macro parameters 1
- #(...)# macro quoting symbols 1
- #{ ... }# sequence for manually passing parameters 1
- #{...}# parameter quoting mechanism 1
- #{...}#" code brackets in boolean expressions 1
- #closeread compile-time statement 1
- #closewrite compile-time statement 1
- #else clause 1
- #elseif clause in #if statement 1
- #endif clause 1
- #endmacro 1
- #ERROR directive 1
- #for..#endfor Compile-Time Loop 1
- #KEYWORD reserved word 1
- #macro 1
- #openread compile-time statement 1
- #openwrite compile-time statement 1
- #PRINT directive 1
- #system compile-time statement 1
- #TERMINATOR keyword 1
- #text..#endtext statement 1
- #while..#endwhile Compile-Time Loop 1
- #write compile-time statement 1
- && operator in boolean expressions 1
- @a 1
- @abs function 1
- @ae 1
- @align 1
- @Align procedure option 1
- @alignstack 1
- @alignstack procedure option 1, 2
- @arity compile-time function 1
- @arity function 1
- @b 1
- @be 1
- @byte compile-time function 1
- @byte function 1
- @c 1, 2
- @cdecl procedure option 1, 2
- @ceil function 1
- @char compile-time function 1
- @cos function 1
- @cset compile-time function 1
- @date function 1
- @defined function 1
- @delete function 1
- @dim compile-time function 1
- @dim function 1
- @display 1
- @display procedure option 1
- @e 1
- @elements compile-time function 1
- @elements function 1
- @elementsize compile-time function 1
- @elementsize function 1
- @enter 1
- @enter procedure option 1
- @eval function 1
- @exp function 1
- @External procedures 1
- @extract function 1
- @floor function 1
- @frame 1
- @g 1
- @ge 1
- @index function 1
- @insert function 1
- @int64 compile-time function 1
- @int8 compile-time function 1
- @isalpha function 1
- @isalphanum function 1
- @isconst function 1
- @isdigit function 1
- @IsExternal function 1
- @isfreg function 1
- @islower function 1
- @ismem function 1
- @isreg function 1
- @isreg16 function 1
- @isreg32 function 1
- @isreg8 function 1
- @isspace function 1
- @istype function 1
- @isupper function 1
- @isxdigit function 1
- @l 1
- @le 1
- @leave 1
- @leave procedure option 1
- @length function 1
- @linenumber function 1, 2
- @log function 1
- @log10 function 1
- @lowercase function 1
- @max function 1
- @min function 1
- @na 1
- @nae 1
- @name function 1
- @nb 1
- @nbe 1
- @nc 1, 2
- @ne 1
- @nge 1
- @nl 1
- @nle 1
- @no 1, 2
- @noalignstack 1
- @noalignstack procedure option 1, 2
- @nodisplay 1
- @nodisplay procedure option 1
- @noenter 1
- @noenter procedure option 1
- @noframe 1
- @noframe procedure option 1
- @noleave 1
- @noleave procedure option 1
- @ns 1, 2
- @nz 1, 2
- @o 1
- @o, 1
- @odd function 1
- @offset function 1
- @pascal procedure option 1, 2
- @qword compile-time function 1
- @random function 1
- @randomize function 1
- @read compile-time function 1
- @real32 compile-time function 1
- @Returns procedure option 1
- @returns procedure option 1
- @rindex function 1
- @s 1, 2
- @sin function 1
- @size compile-time function 1
- @size function 1
- @sqrt function 1
- @stdcall procedure option 1, 2
- @string compile-time function 1
- @substr function 1
- @tan function 1
- @text operator 1
- @time function 1
- @tostring operator 1
- @typename function 1
- @uns64 compile-time function 1
- @uns8 compile-time function 1
- @uppercase function 1
- @use procedure option 1
- @use reg32 procedure option 1
- @z 1, 2
- _display_ variable 1
- _parms_ constant 1
- _vars_ constant 1
- || operator in boolean expressions 1
- ABI (Application Binary Interface) 1
- Accessing the fields of a record 1
- Accessing the fields of a union 1
- Align directives in a record 1
- align procedure option 1
- AllocConsole 1, 2
- AND operator in boolean expressions 1
- Anonymous records 1
- Anonymous unions 1, 2
- Anonymous Unions and Records 1
- ANYEXCEPTION clause in the TRY..ENDTRY statement 1
- API Functions 1
- Arithmetic expressions (run-time) 1
- Array Types 1
- Array types 1
- array.index array indexing function 1
- Assignments at compile-time 1
- Associativity 1, 2
- Automatic code generation in procedures 1
- BeginPaint 1, 2
- Boolean expressions 1, 2
- Break statement 1
- breakif 1
- C calling convention 1
- C programming language 1
- C scalar data types 1
- C Types 1
- C/C++ Naming conventions 1
- Call instruction 1
- Callback functions 1
- Calling conventions 1
- Calling HLA Procedures 1
- Cascading exceptions 1
- case neutrality 1
- Character data types 1
- Character string types 1
- Class types 1
- Client regions 1
- Command Line Development 1
- Compile-time arithmetic and relational operators 1
- Compile-Time Assignment Statements 1
- Compile-time functions 1
- Compile-Time I/O 1
- Compile-Time Language 1
- Compile-time language performance 1
- Compile-time variable declarations 1
- Composite Data Types 1
- Composite data types 1
- Conditional assembly 1
- Conjunction in boolean expressions 1
- Console API 1
- Console applications 1
- Console I/O 1
- Constant declarations 1
- Constant declarations (compile-time language) 1
- Context-Free macros 1
- Context-free macros 1
- Context-free macros (HLA) 1
- Continue statement 1
- continueif 1
- Converting C/C++ boolean expressions to HLA boolean expressions 1
- Converting expressions into assembly language 1
- CreateConsoleScreenBuffer 1
- CreateFontIndirect 1
- CreateWindowEx 1
- Creating a New Project in RadASM 1
- Creating a Window 1
- Creating HLA Procedure Prototypes for Win32 API Functions 1
- Data alignment and padding 1
- Data Types 1
- DEFAULT section of a SWITCH statement 1
- Deferred macro parameter expansion 1
- Device capabilities 1
- Device context 1
- Device context attributes 1
- Directly compatible types 1
- Discriminant union type 1
- Disjunction in boolean expressions 1
- Displaying a window 1
- Displaying messages during compilation 1
- Dithering 1
- DO..WHILE Loops 1
- DrawText 1
- DUP operator (array constants) 1
- Eager evaluation of macro parameters 1
- Editing HLA source files within RadASM 1
- ELSE 1
- else 1
- elseif 1
- EndPaint 1, 2
- EnumFontFamilies 1
- Errors 1
- Escape character sequence 1
- ESP 1
- Event-oriented programming 1
- Exception handling 1
- Exception numbers 1
- EXIT 1
- exitif 1
- Expressions and temporary values 1
- ExtTextOut 1
- Fields of a union 1
- FillConsoleOutputAttribute 1
- FillConsoleOutputCharacter 1
- FindWindow 1
- Floating point (real) data types 1
- FlushConsoleInputBuffer 1
- Fonts 1
- FOR loops 1
- FOR loops (for..endfor, forever..endfor, foreach..endfor) 1
- forever..endfor 1
- frame procedure option 1
- FreeConsole 1
- Function Calls 1
- Function return results 1
- GetBkColor 1
- GetBkMode 1
- GetConsoleCursorInfo 1
- GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo 1
- GetConsoleTitle 1
- GetConsoleWindow 1
- GetDC 1
- GetDeviceCaps 1
- GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents 1
- GetScrollPos 1
- GetScrollRange 1
- GetStdHandle 1
- GetSystemMetrics 1
- GetTextAlign 1
- GetTextColor 1
- GetTextMetrics 1
- GetWindowDC 1, 2
- GOTO statement 1
- Handles 1
- High Level Assembler (HLA) 1
- HLA Naming Conventions 1
- HLA Standard Library 1
- HLA.INI initialization file 1
- Hungarian Notation 1
- Hybrid high level boolean expressions 1
- Hybrid languages 1
- Hybrid parameter passing in HLA 1
- IDE 1
- IF Statement 1
- If statements and time-critical code 1
- Implicit rules in a make file 1
- IN operator 1
- IN reg parameter specification 1
- Inherited fields in records 1
- inherits keyword 1
- Integer data types 1
- Integrated Development Environments 1
- Lazy (pass by lazy evaluation) parameter option 1
- Leading (spacing in a font) 1
- Local symbols in macros 1
- Local symbols in multi-part macros 1
- Logical inch 1
- Macro parameters containing commas or parentheses 1
- Macros 1
- Make 1
- Make files 1
- Make menu in RadASM 1
- Make program (make.exe) 1
- Memory protection 1
- Message passing 1, 2
- MessageBox 1
- Monospaced fonts 1, 2
- multi-part macros 1
- Name (pass by name) parameter option 1
- Naming Conventions 1, 2
- Nested records and unions 1
- NMake 1
- Non-client regions 1
- Non-proportional fonts 1
- NULL 1
- OllyDbg Debugger 1
- Operator precedence in run-time expressions 1
- OR operator in boolean expressions 1
- Parenthesis in macro parameters 1
- Pascal calling convention 1
- Pass by Reference 1
- Pass by Value 1
- Pass by value 1
- Passing parameters in registers 1, 2
- Path specifications in RadASM 1
- PeekConsoleInput 1
- Pointer constants 1
- Pointer types 1, 2
- Points (font sizes) 1
- PostMessage 1
- Procedural programming languages 1
- Procedure declarations 1
- Procedure Invocations 1
- Project organization 1
- Project types in RadASM 1
- Prototypes for Win32 API Functions 1
- RadASM Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 1
- RadASM project management 1
- RadASM templates 1
- RADASM.INI file 1
- RAISE statement 1
- Raster fonts 1
- ReadConsole 1
- ReadConsoleInput 1
- ReadConsoleOutput 1
- ReadConsoleOutputAttribute 1
- ReadConsoleOutputCharacter 1
- Real data types 1
- Record (Structure) Types 1
- Record/structure types 1
- Reference parameters 1
- Regions 1
- Register parameters 1
- Register Preservation and Scratch Registers in Win32 Calls 1
- Registering a window class 1
- RegisterWindowMessage 1
- Relational operators 1
- ReleaseDC 1, 2
- repeat..until 1
- Reraising an exception 1
- Result (pass by result) parameter option 1
- RET with NOFRAME option 1
- RGB value 1
- row-major order 1
- Scratch Registers in Win32 Calls 1
- Scroll bars 1
- ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer 1
- SelectObject 1
- SendMessage 1
- SendMessageCallback 1
- SendMessageTimeout 1, 2
- Sequence points 1
- SetBkColor 1
- SetBkMode 1
- SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer 1
- SetConsoleCursorInfo 1
- SetConsoleCursorPosition 1
- SetConsoleScreenBufferSize 1
- SetConsoleTextAttribute 1
- SetConsoleTitle 1
- SetConsoleWindowInfo 1
- SetScrollPos 1
- SetScrollRange 1
- SetStdHandle 1
- SetTextAlign 1
- SetTextColor 1
- Setting Up RadASM 1
- Side effects 1
- Signed vs. unsigned comparisons in boolean expressions 1
- Small projects and RadASM 1
- Sniplets 1
- Stack Pointer 1
- Stdcall calling convention 1
- stdout.put macro implementation 1
- str.init 1
- str.put 1
- stralloc 1
- Structure Types 1
- Structured constants 1
- SWITCH/CASE statement 1
- Templates in RadASM 1
- Temporary values in an expression 1
- TextOut 1, 2
- Thunk types 1
- Translating C/C++ expressions to assembly language 1
- True Type fonts 1
- TRY..EXCEPTION..ENDTRY statement 1
- tstralloc 1
- Type Coercion 1
- Typefaces 1
- Typefaces and fonts 1
- Unicode 1
- Union data types 1
- Union Types 1
- UNPROTECTED clause in the TRY..ENDTRY statement 1
- Untyped reference parameters 1, 2
- User-defined compilation errors 1
- User-defined exceptions 1
- Val (pass by value) parameter option 1
- Valres (pass by value/result) parameter option 1
- Value parameters 1
- Var (pass by reference) parameter option 1
- VAR (untyped reference parameters) 1
- Var type (untyped reference parameters) 1
- Variable parameter lists in a macro 1
- Variable parameter lists in macros 1
- Variant types 1
- Viewport origin 1
- w.AllocConsole 1, 2
- w.BeginPaint 1
- w.CreateConsoleScreenBuffer 1
- w.CreateFontIndirect 1
- w.CreateWindowEx 1
- w.DrawText 1
- w.EndPaint 1
- w.EnumFontFamilies 1
- w.ExtTextOut 1
- w.FillConsoleOutputAttribute 1
- w.FillConsoleOutputCharacter 1
- w.FindWindow 1
- w.FlushConsoleInputBuffer 1
- w.FreeConsole 1
- w.GetBkColor 1
- w.GetConsoleCursorInfo 1
- w.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo 1
- w.GetConsoleTitle 1
- w.GetConsoleWindow 1
- w.GetDC 1
- w.GetDeviceCaps 1
- w.GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents 1
- w.GetScrollPos 1
- w.GetScrollRange 1
- w.GetStdHandle 1
- w.GetSystemMetrics 1
- w.GetTextAlign 1
- w.GetTextColor 1
- w.GetTextMetrics 1
- w.GetWindowDC 1
- w.MessageBox 1
- w.PeekConsoleInput 1
- w.PostMessage 1
- w.ReadConsole 1
- w.ReadConsoleInput 1
- w.ReadConsoleOutput 1
- w.ReadConsoleOutputAttribute 1
- w.ReadConsoleOutputCharacter 1
- w.RegisterWindowMessage 1
- w.ReleaseDC 1
- w.ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer 1
- w.SelectObject 1
- w.SendMessage 1
- w.SendMessageCallback 1
- w.SendMessageTimeout 1, 2
- w.SetBkColor 1
- w.SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer 1
- w.SetConsoleCursorInfo 1
- w.SetConsoleCursorPosition 1
- w.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize 1
- w.SetConsoleTextAttribute 1
- w.SetConsoleTitle 1
- w.SetConsoleWindowInfo 1
- w.SetScrollPos 1
- w.SetScrollRange 1
- w.SetStdHandle 1
- w.SetTextAlign 1
- w.SetTextColor 1
- w.TextOut 1, 2
- w.WriteConsole 1
- w.WriteConsoleAttribute 1
- w.WriteConsoleInput 1
- w.WriteConsoleOutput 1
- w.WriteConsoleOutputCharacter 1
- welse clause in a while statement 1
- WHILE loops 1
- WHILE statement 1
- Win32 API Functions 1
- Window classes 1, 2
- Window origin 1
- Window procedures 1
- Windows coordinate systems 1
- Windows Structured Exception Handler 1
- WM_PAINT message 1
- WndProc 1
- WriteConsole 1
- WriteConsoleAttribute 1
- WriteConsoleInput 1
- WriteConsoleOutput 1
- WriteConsoleOutputCharacter 1 |