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Chapter Five Records, Unions, and Name Spaces
5.1 Chapter Overview
This chapter discusses how to declare and use record (structures), unions, and name spaces in your programs. After strings and arrays, records are among the most commonly used composite data types; indeed, records are the mechanism you use to create user-defined composite data types. Many assembly language programmers never bother to learn how to use records in assembly language, yet would never consider not using them in high level language programs. This is somewhat inconsistent since records (structures) are just as useful in assembly language programs as in high level language programs. Given that you use records in assembly language (and especially HLA) in a manner quite similar to high level languages, there really is no reason for excluding this important tool from your programmer's tool chest. Although you'll use unions and name spaces far less often than records, their presence in the HLA language is crucial for many advanced applications. This brief chapter provides all the information you need to successfully use records, unions, and name spaces within your HLA programs.
5.2 Records
Another major composite data structure is the Pascal record or C/C++ structure1. The Pascal terminology is probably better, since it tends to avoid confusion with the more general term data structure. Since HLA uses the term "record" we'll adopt that term here.
Whereas an array is homogeneous, whose elements are all the same, the elements in a record can be of any type. Arrays let you select a particular element via an integer index. With records, you must select an element (known as a field) by name.
The whole purpose of a record is to let you encapsulate different, but logically related, data into a single package. The Pascal record declaration for a student is probably the most typical example:
student = record Name: string [64]; Major: integer; SSN: string[11]; Midterm1: integer; Midterm2: integer; Final: integer; Homework: integer; Projects: integer; end;Most Pascal compilers allocate each field in a record to contiguous memory locations. This means that Pascal will reserve the first 65 bytes for the name2, the next two bytes hold the major code, the next 12 the Social Security Number, etc.
In HLA, you can also create structure types using the RECORD/ENDRECORD declaration. You would encode the above record in HLA as follows:
type student: record Name: char[65]; Major: int16; SSN: char[12]; Midterm1: int16; Midterm2: int16; Final: int16; Homework: int16; Projects: int16; endrecord;As you can see, the HLA declaration is very similar to the Pascal declaration. Note that, to be true to the Pascal declaration, this example uses character arrays rather than strings for the Name and SSN (U.S Social Security Number) fields. In a real HLA record declaration you'd probably use a string type for at least the name (keeping in mind that a string variable is only a four byte pointer).
The field names within the record must be unique. That is, the same name may not appear two or more times in the same record. However, all field names are local to that record. Therefore, you may reuse those field names elsewhere in the program.
The RECORD/ENDRECORD type declaration may appear in a variable declaration section (e.g., STATIC or VAR) or in a TYPE declaration section. In the previous example the Student declaration appears in the TYPE section, so this does not actually allocate any storage for a Student variable. Instead, you have to explicitly declare a variable of type Student. The following example demonstrates how to do this:
var John: Student;This allocates 81 bytes of storage laid out in memory as shown in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1 Student Data Structure Storage in Memory
If the label John corresponds to the base address of this record, then the Name field is at offset John+0, the Major field is at offset John+65, the SSN field is at offset John+67, etc.
To access an element of a structure you need to know the offset from the beginning of the structure to the desired field. For example, the Major field in the variable John is at offset 65 from the base address of John. Therefore, you could store the value in AX into this field using the instruction
mov( ax, (type word John[65]) );Unfortunately, memorizing all the offsets to fields in a record defeats the whole purpose of using them in the first place. After all, if you've got to deal with these numeric offsets why not just use an array of bytes instead of a record?
Well, as it turns out, HLA lets you refer to field names in a record using the same mechanism C/C++ and Pascal use: the dot operator. To store AX into the Major field, you could use "mov( ax, John.Major );" instead of the previous instruction. This is much more readable and certainly easier to use.
Note that the use of the dot operator does not introduce a new addressing mode. The instruction "mov( ax, John.Major );" still uses the displacement only addressing mode. HLA simply adds the base address of John with the offset to the Major field (65) to get the actual displacement to encode into the instruction.
Like any type declaration, HLA requires all record type declarations to appear in the program before you use them. However, you don't have to define all records in the TYPE section to create record variables. You can use the RECORD/ENDRECORD declaration directly in a variable declaration section. This is convenient if you have only one instance of a given record object in your program. The following example demonstrates this:
storage OriginPoint: record x: uns8; y: uns8; z: uns8; endrecord;5.3 Record Constants
HLA lets you define record constants. In fact, HLA supports both symbolic record constants and literal record constants. Record constants are useful as initializers for static record variables. They are also quite useful as compile-time data structures when using the HLA compile-time language (see the chapters on Macros and the HLA Compile-Time Language). This section discusses how to create record constants.
A record literal constant takes the following form:
RecordTypeName:[ List_of_comma_separated_constants ]The RecordTypeName is the name of a record data type you've defined in an HLA TYPE section prior to this point. To create a record constant you must have previously defined the record type in a TYPE section of your program.
The constant list appearing between the brackets are the data items for each of the fields in the specified record. The first item in the list corresponds to the first field of the record, the second item in the list corresponds to the second field, etc. The data types of each of the constants appearing in this list must match their respective field types. The following example demonstrates how to use a literal record constant to initialize a record variable:
type point: record x:int32; y:int32; z:int32; endrecord; static Vector: point := point:[ 1, -2, 3 ];This declaration initializes Vector.x with 1, Vector.y with -2, and Vector.z with 3.
You can also create symbolic record constants by declaring record objects in the CONST or VAL sections of your program. You access fields of these symbolic record constants just as you would access the field of a record variable, using the dot operator. Since the object is a constant, you can specify the field of a record constant anywhere a constant of that field's type is legal. You can also employ symbolic record constants as record variable initializers. The following example demonstrates this:
type point: record x:int32; y:int32; z:int32; endrecord; const PointInSpace: point := point:[ 1, 2, 3 ]; static Vector: point := PointInSpace; XCoord: int32 := PointInSpace.x; . . . stdout.put( "Y Coordinate is ", PointInSpace.y, nl ); . . .5.4 Arrays of Records
It is a perfectly reasonable operation to create an array of records. To do so, you simply create a record type and then use the standard array declaration syntax when declaring an array of that record type. The following example demonstrates how you could do this:
type recElement: record << fields for this record >> endrecord; . . . static recArray: recElement[4];To access an element of this array you use the standard array indexing techniques found in the chapter on arrays. Since recArray is a single dimension array, you'd compute the address of an element of this array using the formula "baseAddress + index*@size(recElement)." For example, to access an element of recArray you'd use code like the following:
// Access element i of recArray: intmul( @size( recElement ), i, ebx ); // ebx := i*@size( recElement ) mov( recArray.someField[ebx], eax );Note that the index specification follows the entire variable name; remember, this is assembly not a high level language (in a high level language you'd probably use "recArray[i].someField").
Naturally, you can create multidimensional arrays of records as well. You would use the standard row or column major order functions to compute the address of an element within such records. The only thing that really changes (from the discussion of arrays) is that the size of each element is the size of the record object.
static rec2D: recElement[ 4, 6 ]; . . . // Access element [i,j] of rec2D and load "someField" into EAX: intmul( 6, i, ebx ); add( j, ebx ); intmul( @size( recElement ), ebx ); mov( rec2D.someField[ ebx ], eax );5.5 Arrays/Records as Record Fields
Records may contain other records or arrays as fields. Consider the following definition:
type Pixel: record Pt: point; color: dword; endrecord;The definition above defines a single point with a 32 bit color component. When initializing an object of type Pixel, the first initializer corresponds to the Pt field, not the x-coordinate field. The following definition is incorrect:
static ThisPt: Pixel := Pixel:[ 5, 10 ]; // Syntactically incorrect!The value of the first field ("5") is not an object of type point. Therefore, the assembler generates an error when encountering this statement. HLA will allow you to initialize the fields of Pixel using declarations like the following:
static ThisPt: Pixel := Pixel:[ point:[ 1, 2, 3 ], 10 ]; ThatPt: Pixel := Pixel:[ point:[ 0, 0, 0 ], 5 ];Accessing Pixel fields is very easy. Like a high level language you use a single period to reference the Pt field and a second period to access the x, y, and z fields of point:
stdout.put( "ThisPt.Pt.x = ", ThisPt.Pt.x, nl ); stdout.put( "ThisPt.Pt.y = ", ThisPt.Pt.y, nl ); stdout.put( "ThisPt.Pt.z = ", ThisPt.Pt.z, nl ); . . . mov( eax, ThisPt.Color );You can also declare arrays as record fields. The following record creates a data type capable of representing an object with eight points (e.g., a cube):
type Object8: record Pts: point[8]; Color: dword; endrecord;This record allocates storage for eight different points. Accessing an element of the Pts array requires that you know the size of an object of type point (remember, you must multiply the index into the array by the size of one element, 12 in this particular case). Suppose, for example, that you have a variable CUBE of type Object8. You could access elements of the Pts array as follows:
// CUBE.Pts[i].x := 0;mov( i, ebx ); intmul( 12, ebx ); mov( 0, CUBE.Pts.x[ebx] );The one unfortunate aspect of all this is that you must know the size of each element of the Pts array. Fortunately, HLA provides a built-in function that will compute the size of an array element (in bytes) for you: the @size function. You can rewrite the code above using @size as follows:
// CUBE.Pts[i].x := 0;mov( i, ebx ); intmul( @size( point ), ebx ); mov( 0, CUBE.Pts.x[ebx] );This solution is much better than multiplying by the literal constant 12. Not only does HLA figure out the size for you (so you don't have to), it automatically substitutes the correct size if you ever change the definition of the point record in your program. For this reason, you should always use the @size function to compute the size of array element objects in your programs.
Note in this example that the index specification ("[ebx]") follows the whole object name even though the array is Pts, not x. Remember, the "[ebx]" specification is an indexed addressing mode, not an array index. Indexes always follow the entire name, you do not attach them to the array component as you would in a high level language like C/C++ or Pascal. This produces the correct result because addition is commutative, and the dot operator (as well as the index operator) corresponds to addition. In particular, the expression "CUBE.Pts.x[ebx]" tells HLA to compute the sum of CUBE (the base address of the object) plus the offset to the Pts field, plus the offset to the x field plus the value of EBX. Technically, we're really computing offset(CUBE)+offset(Pts)+EBX+offset(x) but we can rearrange this since addition is commutative.
You can also define two-dimensional arrays within a record. Accessing elements of such arrays is no different than any other two-dimensional array other than the fact that you must specify the array's field name as the base address for the array. E.g.,
type RecW2DArray: record intField: int32; aField: int32[4,5]; . . . endrecord; static recVar: RecW2DArray; . . . // Access element [i,j] of the aField field using Row-major ordering: mov( i, ebx ); intmul( 5, ebx ); add( j, ebx ); mov( recVar.aField[ ebx*4 ], eax ); . . .The code above uses the standard row-major calculation to index into a 4x5 array of double words. The only difference between this example and a stand-alone array access is the fact that the base address is recVar.aField.
There are two common ways to nest record definitions. As noted earlier in this section, you can create a record type in a TYPE section and then use that type name as the data type of some field within a record (e.g., the Pt:point field in the Pixel data type above). It is also possible to declare a record directly within another record without creating a separate data type for that record; the following example demonstrates this:
type NestedRecs: record iField: int32; sField: string; rField: record i:int32; u:uns32; endrecord; cField:char; endrecord;Generally, it's a better idea to create a separate type rather than embed records directly in other records, but nesting them is perfectly legal and a reasonable thing to do on occasion.
If you have an array of records and one of the fields of that record type is an array, you must compute the indexes into the arrays independently of one another and then use the sum of these indexes as the ultimate index. The following example demonstrates how to do this:
type recType: record arrayField: dword[4,5]; << Other Fields >> endrecord; static aryOfRecs: recType[3,3]; . . . // Access aryOfRecs[i,j].arrayField[k,l]: intmul( 5, i, ebx ); // Computes index into aryOfRecs add( j, ebx ); // as (i*5 +j)*@size( recType ). intmul( @size( recType ), ebx ); intmul( 3, k, eax ); // Computes index into aryOfRecs add( l, eax ); // as (k*3 + j) (*4 handled later). mov( aryOfRecs.arrayField[ ebx + eax*4 ], eax );Note the use of the base plus scaled indexed addressing mode to simplify this operation.
5.6 Controlling Field Offsets Within a Record
By default, whenever you create a record, HLA automatically assigns the offset zero to the first field of that record. This corresponds to records in a high level language and is the intuitive default condition. In some instances, however, you may want to assign a different starting offset to the first field of the record. HLA provides a mechanism that lets you set the starting offset of the first field in the record.
The syntax to set the first offset is
name: record := startingOffset; << Record Field Declarations >> endrecord;Using the syntax above, the first field will have the starting offset specified by the startingOffset int32 constant expression. Since this is an int32 value, the starting offset value can be positive, zero, or negative.
One circumstance where this feature is invaluable is when you have a record whose base address is actually somewhere within the data structure. The classic example is an HLA string. An HLA string uses a record declaration similar to the following:
record MaxStrLen: dword; length: dword; charData: char[xxxx]; endrecord;As you're well aware by now, HLA string pointers do not contain the address of the MaxStrLen field; they point at the charData field. The str.strRec record type found in the HLA Standard Library Strings module uses a record declaration similar to the following:
type strRec: record := -8; MaxStrLen: dword; length: dword; charData: char; endrecord;The starting offset for the MaxStrLen field is -8. Therefore, the offset for the length field is -4 (four bytes later) and the offset for the charData field is zero. Therefore, if EBX points at some string data, then "(type str.strRec [ebx]).length" is equivalent to "[ebx-4]" since the length field has an offset of -4.
Generally, you will not use HLA's ability to specify the starting field offset when creating your own record types. Instead, this feature finds most of its use when you are mapping an HLA data type over the top of some other predefined data type in memory (strings are a good example, but there are many other examples as well).
5.7 Aligning Fields Within a Record
To achieve maximum performance in your programs, or to ensure that HLA's records properly map to records or structures in some high level language, you will often need to be able to control the alignment of fields within a record. For example, you might want to ensure that a dword field's offset is an even multiple of four. You use the ALIGN directive to do this, the same way you would use ALIGN in the STATIC declaration section of your program. The following example shows how to align some fields on important boundaries:
type PaddedRecord: record c:char; align(4); d:dword; b:boolean; align(2); w:word; endrecord;Whenever HLA encounters the ALIGN directive within a record declaration, it automatically adjusts the following field's offset so that it is an even multiple of the value the ALIGN directive specifies. It accomplishes this by increasing the offset of that field, if necessary. In the example above, the fields would have the following offsets: c:0, d:4, b:8, w:10. Note that HLA inserts three bytes of padding between c and d and it inserts one byte of padding between b and w. It goes without saying that you should never assume that this padding is present. If you want to use those extra bytes, then declare fields for them.
Note that specifying alignment within a record declaration does not guarantee that the field will be aligned on that boundary in memory; it only ensures that the field's offset is aligned on the specified boundary. If a variable of type PaddedRecord starts at an odd address in memory, then the d field will also start at an odd address (since any odd address plus four is an odd address). If you want to ensure that the fields are aligned on appropriate boundaries in memory, you must also use the ALIGN directive before variable declarations of that record type, e.g.,
static . . . align(4); PRvar: PaddedRecord;The value of the ALIGN operand should be an even value that is evenly divisible by the largest ALIGN expression within the record type (four is the largest value in this case, and it's already evenly divisible by two).
If you want to ensure that the record's size is a multiple of some value, then simply stick an ALIGN directive as the last item in the record declaration. HLA will emit an appropriate number of bytes of padding at the end of the record to fill it in to the appropriate size. The following example demonstrates how to ensure that the record's size is a multiple of four bytes:
type PaddedRec: record << some field declarations >> align(4); endrecord;5.8 Pointers to Records
During execution, your program may refer to structure objects directly or indirectly using a pointer. When you use a pointer to access fields of a structure, you must load one of the 80x86's 32-bit registers with the address of the desired record. Suppose you have the following variable declarations (assuming the Object8 structure from "Arrays/Records as Record Fields" on page 487):
static Cube: Object8; CubePtr: pointer to Object8 := &Cube;CubePtr contains the address of (i.e., it is a pointer to) the Cube object. To access the Color field of the Cube object, you could use an instruction like "mov( Cube.Color, eax );". When accessing a field via a pointer you need to load the address of the object into a 32-bit register such as EBX. The instruction "mov( CubePtr EBX );" will do the trick. After doing so, you can access fields of the Cube object using the [EBX+offset] addressing mode. The only problem is "How do you specify which field to access?" Consider briefly, the following incorrect code:
mov( CubePtr, ebx ); mov( [ebx].Color, eax ); // This does not work!There is one major problem with the code above. Since field names are local to a structure and it's possible to reuse a field name in two or more structures, how does HLA determine which offset Color represents? When accessing structure members directly (.e.g., "mov( Cube.Color, EAX );" ) there is no ambiguity since Cube has a specific type that the assembler can check. "[EBX]", on the other hand, can point at anything. In particular, it can point at any structure that contains a Color field. So the assembler cannot, on its own, decide which offset to use for the Color symbol.
HLA resolves this ambiguity by requiring that you explicitly supply a type. To do this, you must coerce "[EBX]" to type Cube. Once you do this, you can use the normal dot operator notation to access the Color field:
mov( CubePtr, ebx ); mov( (type Cube [ebx]).Color, eax );By specifying the record name, HLA knows which offset value to use for the Color symbol.
If you have a pointer to a record and one of that record's fields is an array, the easiest way to access elements of that field is by using the base plus indexed addressing mode. To do so, you just load the pointer to the record into one register and compute the index into the array in a second register. Then you combine these two registers in the address expression. In the example above, the Pts field is an array of eight point objects. To access field x of the ith element of the Cube.Pts field, you'd use code like the following:
mov( CubePtr, ebx ); intmul( @size( point ), i, esi ); // Compute index into point array. mov( (type Object8 [ebx]).Pts.x[ esi*4 ], eax );As usual, the index appears after all the field names.
If you use a pointer to a particular record type frequently in your program, typing a coercion operator like "(type Object8 [ebx])" can get old pretty quick. One way to reduce the typing needed to coerce EBX is to use a TEXT constant. For example, consider the following statement in a program:
const O8ptr: text := "(type Object8 [ebx])";With this statement at the beginning of your program you can use O8ptr in place of the type coercion operator and HLA will automatically substitute the appropriate text. With a text constant like the above, the former example becomes a little more readable and writable:
mov( CubePtr, ebx ); intmul( @size( point ), i, esi ); // Compute index into point array. mov( O8Ptr.Pts.x[ esi*4 ], eax );1It also goes by some other names in other languages, but most people recognize at least one of these names.
2Strings require an extra byte, in addition to all the characters in the string, to encode the length.
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