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9.2.3 A Modified WHILE Loop
The previous sections have shown you how to implement statements that are already available in HLA or the HLA Standard Library. While this approach lets you work with familiar statements that you should be comfortable with, it doesn't really demonstrate that you can create new control statements with HLA's compile-time language. In this section you will see how to create a variant of the WHILE statement that is not simply a rehash of HLA's WHILE statement. This should amply demonstrate that there are some useful control structures that HLA (and high level languages) don't provide and that you can easily use HLA compile-time language to implement specialized control structures as needed.
A common use of a WHILE loop is to search through a list and stop upon encountering some desired value or upon hitting the end of the list. A typical HLA example might take the following form:
while( <<There are more items in the list>> ) do breakif( <<This was the item we're looking for>> ); << select the next item in the list>> endwhile;The problem with this approach is that when the statement immediately following the ENDWHILE executes, that code doesn't know whether the loop terminated because it found the desired value or because it exhausted the list. The typical solution is to test to see if the loop exhausted the list and deal with that accordingly:
while( <<There are more items in the list>> ) do breakif( <<This was the item we're looking for>> ); << select the next item in the list>> endwhile; if( <<The list wasn't exhausted>> ) then << do something with the item we found >> endif;The problem with this "solution" should be obvious if you think about it a moment. We've already tested to see if the loop is empty, immediately after leaving the loop we repeat this same test. This is somewhat inefficient. A better solution would be to have something like an "else" clause in the WHILE loop that executes if you break out of the loop and doesn't execute if the loop terminates because the boolean expression evaluated false. Rather than use the keyword ELSE, let's invent a new (more readable) term: onbreak. The ONBREAK section of a WHILE loop executes (only once) if a BREAK or BREAKIF statement was the reason for the loop termination. With this ONBREAK clause, you could recode the previous WHILE loop a little bit more elegantly as follows:
while( <<There are more items in the list>> ) do breakif( <<This was the item we're looking for>> ); << select the next item in the list>> onbreak << do something with the item we found >> endwhile;Note that if the ONBREAK clause is present, the WHILE's loop body ends at the ONBREAK keyword. The ONBREAK clause executes at most once per execution of this WHILE statement.
Implementing a _while.._onbreak.._endwhile statement is very easy using HLA's multi-part macros. Program 9.5 provides the complete implementation of this statement:
/****************************************************/ /* */ /* while.hla */ /* */ /* This program demonstrates a variant of the */ /* WHILE loop that provides a special "onbreak" */ /* clause. The _onbreak clause executes if the */ /* program executes a _break clause or it executes */ /* a _breakif clause and the corresponding */ /* boolean expression evaluates true. The _onbreak */ /* section does not execute if the loop terminates */ /* due to the _while boolean expression evaluating */ /* false. */ /* */ /****************************************************/ program Demo_while; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ) // _while semantics: // // _while( expr ) // // << stmts including optional _break, _breakif // _continue, and _continueif statements >> // // _onbreak // This section is optional. // // << stmts that only execute if program executes // a _break or _breakif (with true expression) // statement. >> // // _endwhile; macro _while( expr ):falseLbl, breakLbl, topOfLoop, hasOnBreak; // hasOnBreak keeps track of whether we've seen an _onbreak // section. ?hasOnBreak:boolean:=false; // Here's the top of the WHILE loop. // Implement this as a straight-forward WHILE (test for // loop termination at the top of the loop). topOfLoop: jf( expr ) falseLbl; // Ignore the _do keyword. keyword _do; // _continue and _continueif (with a true expression) // transfer control to the top of the loop where the // _while code retests the loop termination condition. keyword _continue; jmp topOfLoop; keyword _continueif( expr1 ); jt( expr1 ) topOfLoop; // Unlike the _break or _breakif in a standard WHILE // statement, we don't immediately exit the WHILE. // Instead, this code transfers control to the optional // _onbreak section if it is present. If it is not // present, control transfers to the first statement // beyond the _endwhile. keyword _break; jmp breakLbl; keyword _breakif( expr2 ); jt( expr2 ) breakLbl; // If we encounter an _onbreak section, this marks // the end of the while loop body. Emit a jump that // transfers control back to the top of the loop. // This code also has to verify that there is only // one _onbreak section present. Any code following // this clause is going to execute only if the _break // or _breakif statements execute and transfer control // down here. keyword _onbreak; #if( hasOnBreak ) #error( "Extra _onbreak clause encountered" ) #else jmp topOfLoop; ?hasOnBreak := true; breakLbl: #endif terminator _endwhile; // If we didn't have an _onbreak section, then // this is the bottom of the _while loop body. // Emit the jump to the top of the loop and emit // the "breakLbl" label so the execution of a // _break or _breakif transfers control down here. #if( !hasOnBreak ) jmp topOfLoop; breakLbl: #endif falseLbl: endmacro; static i:int32; begin Demo_while; // Demonstration of standard while loop mov( 0, i ); _while( i < 10 ) _do stdout.put( "1: i=", i, nl ); inc( i ); _endwhile; // Demonstration with BREAKIF: mov( 5, i ); _while( i < 10 ) _do stdout.put( "2: i=", i, nl ); _breakif( i = 7 ); inc( i ); _endwhile // Demonstration with _BREAKIF and _ONBREAK: mov( 0, i ); _while( i < 10 ) _do stdout.put( "3: i=", i, nl ); _breakif( i = 4 ); inc( i ); _onbreak stdout.put( "Breakif was true at i=", i, nl ); _endwhile stdout.put( "All Done" nl ); end Demo_while; Program 9.5 The Implementation of _while.._onbreak.._endwhile9.2.4 A Modified IF..ELSE..ENDIF Statement
The IF statement is another statement that doesn't always do exactly what you want. Like the _while.._onbreak.._endwhile example above, it's quite possible to redefine the IF statement so that it behaves the way we want it to. In this section you'll see how to implement a variant of the IF..ELSE..ENDIF statement that nests differently than the standard IF statement.
It is possible to simulate short-circuit boolean evaluation invovling conjunction and disjunction without using the "&&" and "||" operators if you carefully structure your code. Consider the following example:
// "C" code employing logical-AND operator: if( expr1 && expr2 ) { << statements >> } // Equivalent HLA version: if( expr1 ) then if( expr2 ) then << statements >> endif; endif;In both cases ("C" and HLA) the << statements>> block executes only if both expr1 and expr2 evaluate true. So other than the extra typing involved, it is often very easy to simulate logical conjunction by using two IF statements in HLA.
There is one very big problem with this scheme. Consider what happens if you modify the "C" code to be the following:
// "C" code employing logical-AND operator: if( expr1 && expr2 ) { << 'true' statements >> } else { << 'false' statements >> }Before describing how to create this new type of IF statement, we must digress for a moment and explore an interesting feature of HLA's multi-part macro expansion: #KEYWORD macros do not have to use unique names. Whenever you declare an HLA #KEYWORD macro, HLA accepts whatever name you choose. If that name happens to be already defined, then the #KEYWORD macro name takes precedence as long as the macro is active (that is, from the point you invoke the macro name until HLA encounters the #TERMINATOR macro). Therefore, the #KEYWORD macro name hides the previous definition of that name until the termination of the macro. This feature applies even to the original macro name; that is, it is possible to define a #KEYWORD macro with the same name as the original macro to which the #KEYWORD macro belongs. This is a very useful feature because it allows you to change the definition of the macro within the scope of the opening and terminating invocations of the macro.
Although not pertinent to the IF statement we are constructing, you should note that parameter and local symbols in a macro also override any previously defined symbols of the same name. So if you use that symbol between the opening macro and the terminating macro, you will get the value of the local symbol, not the global symbol. E.g.,
var i:int32; j:int32; . . . #macro abc:i; ?i:text := "j"; . . . #terminator xyz; . . . #endmacro; . . . mov( 25, i ); mov( 10, j ); abc mov( i, eax ); // Loads j's value (10), not 25 into eax. xyz;The code above loads 10 into EAX because the "mov(i, eax);" instruction appears between the opening and terminating macros abc..xyz. Between those two macros the local definition of i takes precedence over the global definition. Since i is a text constant that expands to j, the aforementioned MOV statement is really equivalent to "mov(j, eax);" That statement, of course, loads 10 into EAX. Since this problem is difficult to see while reading your code, you should choose local symbols in multi-part macros very carefully. A good convention to adopt is to combine your local symbol name with the macro name, e.g.,
#macro abc : i_abc;You may wonder why HLA allows something to crazy to happen in your source code, in a moment you'll see why this behavior is useful (and now, with this brief message out of the way, back to our regularly scheduled discussion).
Before we digressed to discuss this interesting feature in HLA multi-part macros, we were trying to figure out how to efficiently simulate the conjunction and disjunction operators in an IF statement without actually using this operators in our code. The problem in the example appearing earlier in this section is that you would have to duplicate some code in order to convert the IF..ELSE statement properly. The following code shows this problem:
// "C" code employing logical-AND operator: if( expr1 && expr2 ) { << 'true' statements >> } else { << 'false' statements >> } // Corresponding HLA code using the "nested-IF" algorithm: if( expr1 ) then if( expr2 ) then << 'true' statements >> else << 'false' statements >> endif; else << 'false' statements >> endif;Note that this code must duplicate the "<< 'false' statements >>" section if the logic is to exactly match the original "C" code. This means that the program will be larger and harder to read than is absolutely necessary.
One solution to this problem is to create a new kind of IF statement that doesn't nest the same way standard IF statements nest. In particular, if we define the statement such that all IF clauses nested with an outer IF..ENDIF block share the same ELSE and ENDIF clauses. If this were the case, then you could implement the code above as follows:
if( expr1 ) then if( expr2 ) then << 'true' statements >> else << 'false' statements >> endif;If expr1 is false, control immediately transfers to the ELSE clause. If the value of expr1 is true, the control falls through to the next IF statement.
If expr2 evaluates false, then the program jumps to the single ELSE clause that all IFs share in this statement. Notice that a single ELSE clause (and corresponding 'false' statements) appear in this code; hence the code does not necessarily expand in size. If expr2 evaluates true, then control falls through to the 'true' statements, exactly like a standard IF statement.
Notice that the nested IF statement above does not have a corresponding ENDIF. Like the ELSE clause, all nested IFs in this structure share the same ENDIF. Syntactically, there is no need to end the nested IF statement; the end of the THEN section ends with the ELSE clause, just as the outer IF statement's THEN block ends.
Of course, we can't actually define a new macro named "if" because you cannot redefine HLA reserved words. Nor would it be a good idea to do so even if these were legal (since it would make your programs very difficult to comprehend if the IF keyword had different semantics in different parts of the program. The following program uses the identifiers "_if", "_then", "_else", and "_endif" instead. It is questionable if these are good identifiers in production code (perhaps something a little more different would be appropriate). The following code example uses these particular identifiers so you can easily correlate them with the corresponding high level statements.
/***********************************************/ /* */ /* if.hla */ /* */ /* This program demonstrates a modification of */ /* the IF..ELSE..ENDIF statement using HLA's */ /* multi-part macros. */ /* */ /***********************************************/ program newIF; #include( "stdlib.hhf" ) // Macro implementation of new form of if..then..else..endif. // // In this version, all nested IF statements transfer control // to the same ELSE clause if any one of them have a false // boolean expression. Syntax: // // _if( expression ) _then // // <<statements including nested _if clauses>> // // _else // this is optional // // <<statements, but _if clauses are not allowed here>> // // _endif // // // Note that nested _if clauses do not have a corresponding // _endif clause. This is because the single _else and/or // _endif clauses terminate all the nested _if clauses // including the first one. Of course, once the code // encounters an _endif another _if statement may begin. // Macro to handle the main "_if" clause. // This code just tests the expression and jumps to the _else // clause if the expression evaluates false. macro _if( ifExpr ):elseLbl, hasElse, ifDone; ?hasElse := false; jf(ifExpr) elseLbl; // Just ignore the _then keyword. keyword _then; // Nested _if clause (yes, HLA lets you replace the main // macro name with a keyword macro). Identical to the // above _if implementation except this one does not // require a matching _endif clause. The single _endif // (matching the first _if clause) terminates all nested // _if clauses as well as the main _if clause. keyword _if( nestedIfExpr ); jf( nestedIfExpr ) elseLbl; // If this appears within the _else section, report // an error (we don't allow _if clauses nested in // the else section, that would create a loop). #if( hasElse ) #error( "All _if clauses must appear before the _else clause" ) #endif // Handle the _else clause here. All we need to is check to // see if this is the only _else clause and then emit the // jmp over the else section and output the elseLbl target. keyword _else; #if( hasElse ) #error( "Only one _else clause is legal per _if.._endif" ) #else // Set hasElse true so we know that we've seen an _else // clause in this statement. ?hasElse := true; jmp ifDone; elseLbl: #endif // _endif has two tasks. First, it outputs the "ifDone" label // that _else uses as the target of its jump to skip over the // else section. Second, if there was no else section, this // code must emit the "elseLbl" label so that the false conditional(s) // in the _if clause(s) have a legal target label. terminator _endif; ifDone: #if( !hasElse ) elseLbl: #endif endmacro; static tr:boolean := true; f:boolean := false; begin newIF; // Real quick demo of the _if statement: _if( tr ) _then _if( tr ) _then _if( f ) _then stdout.put( "error" nl ); _else stdout.put( "Success" ); _endif end newIF; Program 9.6 Using Macros to Create a New IF StatementJust in case you're wondering, this program prints "Success" and then quits. This is because the nested "_if" statements are equivalent to the expression "true && true && false" which, of course, is false. Therefore, the "_else" portion of this code should execute.
The only surprise in this macro is the fact that it redefines the _if macro as a keyword macro upon invocation of the main _if macro. The reason this code does this is so that any nested _if clauses do not require a corresponding _endif and don't support an _else clause.
Implementing an ELSEIF clause introduces some difficulties, hence its absence in this example. The design and implementation of an ELSEIF clause is left to the more serious reader1.
1I.e., I don't even want to have to think about this problem!
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