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4.4 Basic CPU Design
A fair question to ask at this point is "How exactly does a CPU perform assigned chores?" This is accomplished by giving the CPU a fixed set of commands, or instructions, to work on. Keep in mind that CPU designers construct these processors using logic gates to execute these instructions. To keep the number of logic gates reasonably small, CPU designers must necessarily restrict the number and complexity of the commands the CPU recognizes. This small set of commands is the CPU's instruction set.
Programs in early (pre-Von Neumann) computer systems were often "hard-wired" into the circuitry. That is, the computer's wiring determined what problem the computer would solve. One had to rewire the circuitry in order to change the program. A very difficult task. The next advance in computer design was the programmable computer system, one that allowed a computer programmer to easily "rewire" the computer system using a sequence of sockets and plug wires. A computer program consisted of a set of rows of holes (sockets), each row representing one operation during the execution of the program. The programmer could select one of several instructions by plugging a wire into the particular socket for the desired instruction (see Figure 4.1).
Figure 4.1 Patch Panel Programming
Of course, a major difficulty with this scheme is that the number of possible instructions is severely limited by the number of sockets one could physically place on each row. However, CPU designers quickly discovered that with a small amount of additional logic circuitry, they could reduce the number of sockets required from n holes for n instructions to log2(n) holes for n instructions. They did this by assigning a numeric code to each instruction and then encode that instruction as a binary number using log2(n) holes (see Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.2 Encoding Instructions
This addition requires eight logic functions to decode the A, B, and C bits from the patch panel, but the extra circuitry is well worth the cost because it reduces the number of sockets that must be repeated for each instruction (this circuitry, by the way, is nothing more than a single three-line to eight-line decoder).
Of course, many CPU instructions are not stand-alone. For example, the move instruction is a command that moves data from one location in the computer to another (e.g., from one register to another). Therefore, the move instruction requires two operands: a source operand and a destination operand. The CPU's designer usually encodes these source and destination operands as part of the machine instruction, certain sockets correspond to the source operand and certain sockets correspond to the destination operand. Figure 4.3 shows one possible combination of sockets to handle this. The move instruction would move data from the source register to the destination register, the add instruction would add the value of the source register to the destination register, etc.
Figure 4.3 Encoding Instructions with Source and Destination Fields
One of the primary advances in computer design that the VNA provides is the concept of a stored program. One big problem with the patch panel programming method is that the number of program steps (machine instructions) is limited by the number of rows of sockets available on the machine. John Von Neumann and others recognized a relationship between the sockets on the patch panel and bits in memory; they figured they could store the binary equivalents of a machine program in main memory and fetch each program from memory, load it into a special decoding register that connected directly to the instruction decoding circuitry of the CPU.
The trick, of course, was to add yet more circuitry to the CPU. This circuitry, the control unit (CU), fetches instruction codes (also known as operation codes or opcodes) from memory and moves them to the instruction decoding register. The control unit contains a special register, the instruction pointer that contains the address of an executable instruction. The control unit fetches this instruction's opcode from memory and places it in the decoding register for execution. After executing the instruction, the control unit increments the instruction pointer and fetches the next instruction from memory for execution, and so on.
When designing an instruction set, the CPU's designers generally choose opcodes that are a multiple of eight bits long so the CPU can easily fetch complete instructions from memory. The goal of the CPU's designer is to assign an appropriate number of bits to the instruction class field (move, add, subtract, etc.) and to the operand fields. Choosing more bits for the instruction field lets you have more instructions, choosing additional bits for the operand fields lets you select a larger number of operands (e.g., memory locations or registers). There are additional complications. Some instructions have only one operand or, perhaps, they don't have any operands at all. Rather than waste the bits associated with these fields, the CPU designers often reuse these fields to encode additional opcodes, once again with some additional circuitry. The Intel 80x86 CPU family takes this to an extreme with instructions ranging from one to almost 15 bytes long1.
4.5 Decoding and Executing Instructions: Random Logic Versus Microcode
Once the control unit fetches an instruction from memory, you may wonder "exactly how does the CPU execute this instruction?" In traditional CPU design there have been two common approaches: hardwired logic and emulation. The 80x86 family uses both of these techniques.
A hardwired, or random logic2, approach uses decoders, latches, counters, and other logic devices to move data around and operate on that data. The microcode approach uses a very fast but simple internal processor that uses the CPU's opcodes as an index into a table of operations (the microcode) and executes a sequence of microinstructions that do the work of the macroinstruction (i.e., the CPU instruction) they are emulating.
The random logic approach has the advantage that it is possible to devise faster CPUs if typical CPU speeds are faster than typical memory speeds (a situation that has been true for quite some time). The drawback to random logic is that it is difficult to design CPUs with large and complex instruction sets using a random logic approach. The logic to execute the instructions winds up requiring large percentage of the chip's real estate and it becomes difficult to properly lay out the logic so that related circuits are close to one another in the two-dimensional space of the chip,
CPUs based on microcode contain a small, very fast, execution unit that fetches instructions from the microcode bank (which is really nothing more than fast ROM on the CPU chip). This microcode executes one microinstruction per clock cycle and a sequence of microinstructions decode the instruction, fetch its operands, move the operands to appropriate functional units that do whatever calculations are necessary, store away necessary results, and then update appropriate registers and flags in anticipation of the next instruction.
The microcode approach may appear to be substantially slower than the random logic approach because of all the steps involved. Actually, this isn't necessarily true. Keep in mind that with a random logic approach to instruction execution, part of the random logic is often a sequencer that steps through several states (one state per clock cycle). Whether you use your clock cycles executing microinstructions or stepping through a random logic state machine, you're still burning up clock cycles.
One advantage of microcode is that it makes better reuse of existing silicon on the CPU. Many CPU instructions (macroinstructions) execute some of the same microinstructions as many other instructions. This allows the CPU designer to use microcode subroutines to implement many common operations, thus saving silicon on the CPU. While it is certainly possible to share circuitry in a random logic device, this is often difficult if two circuits could otherwise share some logic but are across the chip from one another.
Another advantage of microcode is that it lets you create some very complex instructions that consist of several different operations. This provides programmers (especially assembly language programmers) with the ability to do more work with fewer instructions in their programs. In theory, this lets them write faster programs since they now execute half as many instructions, each doing twice the work of a simpler instruction set (the 80x86 MMX instruction set extension is a good example of this theory in action, although the MMX instructions do not use a microcode implementation).
Microcode does suffer from one disadvantage compared to random logic: the speed of the processor is tied to the speed of the internal microcode execution unit. Although the "microengine" itself is usually quite fast, the microengine must fetch its instruction from the microcode ROM. Therefore, if memory technology is slower than the execution logic, the microcode ROM will slow the microengine down because the system will have to introduce wait states into the microcode ROM access. Actually, microengines generally don't support the use of wait states, so this means that the microengine will have to run at the same speed as the microcode ROM. This effectively limits the speed at which the microengine, and therefore the CPU, can run.
Which approach is better for CPU design? That depends entirely on the current state of memory technology. If memory technology is faster than CPU technology, then the microcode approach tends to make more sense. If memory technology is slower than CPU technology, then random logic tends to produce the faster CPUs.
When Intel first began designing the 8086 CPU sometime between 1976 and 1978, memory technology was faster so they used microcode. Today, CPU technology is much faster than memory technology, so random logic CPUs tend to be faster. Most modern (non-x86) processors use random logic. The 80x86 family uses a combination of these technologies to improve performance while maintaining compatibility with the complex instruction set that relied on microcode way back in 1978.
4.6 RISC vs. CISC vs. VLIW
In the 1970's, CPU designers were busy extending their instruction sets to make their chips easier to program. It was very common to find a CPU designer poring over the assembly output of some high level language compiler searching for common two and three instruction sequences the compiler would emit. The designer would then create a single instruction that did the work of this two or three instruction sequence, the compiler writer would modify the compiler to use this new instruction, and a recompilation of the program would, presumably, produce a faster and shorter program than before.
Digital Equipment Corporation (now part of Compaq Computer who is looking at merging with Hewlett Packard as this is being written) raised this process to a new level in their VAX minicomputer series. It is not surprising, therefore, that many research papers appearing in the 1980's would commonly use the VAX as an example of what not to do.
The problem is, these designers lost track of what they were trying to do, or to use the old cliche, they couldn't see the forest for the trees. They assumed that there were making their processors faster by executing a single instruction that previously required two or more. They also assumed that they were making the programs smaller, for exactly the same reason. They also assumed that they were making the processors easier to program because programmers (or compilers) could write a single instruction instead of using multiple instructions. In many cases, they assumed wrong.
In the early 80's, researchers at IBM and several institutions like Stanford and UC Berkeley challenged the assumptions of these designers. They wrote several papers showing how complex instructions on the VAX minicomputer could actually be done faster (and sometimes in less space) using a sequence of simpler instructions. As a result, most compiler writers did not use the fancy new instructions on the VAX (nor did assembly language programmers). Some might argue that having an unused instruction doesn't hurt anything, but these researchers argued otherwise. They claimed that any unnecessary instructions required additional logic to implement and as the complexity of the logic grows it becomes more and more difficult to produce a high clock speed CPU.
This research led to the development of the RISC, or Reduced Instruction Set Computer, CPU. The basic idea behind RISC was to go in the opposite direction of the VAX. Decide what the smallest reasonable instruction set could be and implement that. By throwing out all the complex instructions, RISC CPU designers could use random logic rather than microcode (by this time, CPU speeds were outpacing memory speeds). Rather than making an individual instruction more complex, they could move the complexity to the system level and add many on-chip features to improve the overall system performance (like caches, pipelines, and other advanced mainframe features of the time). Thus, the great "RISC vs. CISC3" debate was born.
Before commenting further on the result of this debate, you should realize that RISC actually means "(Reduced Instruction) Set Computer," not "Reduced (Instruction Set) Computer." That is, the goal of RISC was to reduce the complexity of individual instructions, not necessarily reduce the number of instructions a RISC CPU supports. It was often the case that RISC CPUs had fewer instructions than their CISC counterparts, but this was not a precondition for calling a CPU a RISC device. Many RISC CPUs had more instructions than some of their CISC contemporaries, depending on how you count instructions.
First, there is no debate about one thing: if you have two CPUs, one RISC and one CISC and they both run at the same clock frequency and they execute the same average number of instructions per clock cycle, CISC is the clear winner. Since CISC processors do more work with each instruction, if the two CPUs execute the same number of instructions in the same amount of time, the CISC processor usually gets more work done.
However, RISC performance claims were based on the fact that RISC's simpler design would allow the CPU designers to reduce the overall complexity of the chip, thereby allowing it to run at a higher clock frequency. Further, with a little added complexity, they could easily execute more instructions per clock cycle, on the average, than their CISC contemporaries.
One drawback to RISC CPUs is that their code density was much lower than CISC CPUs. Although memory devices were dropping in price and the need to keep programs small was decreasing, low code density requires larger caches to maintain the same number of instructions in the cache. Further, since memory speeds were not keeping up with CPU speeds, the larger instruction sizes found on the RISC CPUs meant that the system spent more time bringing in those instructions from memory to cache since they could transfer fewer instructions per bus transaction. For many years, CPU architects argued to and fro about whether RISC or CISC was the better approach. With one big footnote, the RISC approach has generally won the argument. Most of the popular CISC systems, e.g., the VAX, the Z8000, the 16032/32016, and the 68000, have quitely faded away to be replaced by the likes of the PowerPC, the MIPS CPUs, the Alpha, and the SPARC. The one footnote here is, of course, the 80x86 family. Intel has proven that if you really want to keep extending a CISC architecture, and you're willing to throw a lot of money at it, you can extend it far beyond what anyone ever expected. As of late 2001/early 2002 the 80x86 is the raw performance leader. The CPU runs at a higher clock frequency than the competing RISC chips; it executes fairly close to the same number of instructions per clock cycle as the competing RISC chips; it has about the same "average instruction size to cache size" ratio as the RISC chips; and it is a CISC, so many of the instructions do more work than their RISC equivalents. So overall, the 80x86 is, on the average, faster than contemporary RISC chips4.
To achieve this raw performance advantage, the 80x86 has borrowed heavily from RISC research. Intel has divided the instruction set into a set of simple instructions that Intel calls the "RISC core" and the remaining, complex instructions. The complex instructions do not execute as rapidly as the RISC core instructions. In fact, it is often the case that the task of a complex instruction can be accomplished faster using multiple RISC core instructions. Intel supports the complex instructions to provide full compatibility with older software, but compiler writers and assembly language programmers tend to avoid the use of these instructions. Note that Intel moves instructions between these two sets over time. As Intel improves the processor they tend to speed up some of the slower, complex, instructions. Therefore, it is not possible to give a static list of instructions you should avoid; instead, you will have to refer to Intel's documentation for the specific processor you use.
Later Pentium processors do not use an interpretive engine and microcode like the earlier 80x86 processors. Instead, the Pentium core processors execute a set of "micro-operations" (or "micro-ops"). The Pentium processors translate the 80x86 instruction set into a sequence of micro-ops on the fly. The RISC core instructions typically generate a single micro-op while the CISC instructions generate a sequence of two or more micro-ops. For the purposes of determining the performance of a section of code, we can treat each micro-op as a single instruction. Therefore, the CISC instructions are really nothing more than "macro-instructions" that the CPU automatically translates into a sequence of simpler instructions. This is the reason the complex instructions take longer to execute.
Unfortunately, as the x86 nears its 25th birthday, it's clear (to Intel, at least) that it's been pushed to its limits. This is why Intel is working with HP to base their IA-64 architecture on the PA-RISC instruction set. The IA-64 architecture is an interesting blend. On the one hand, it (supposedly) supports object-code compatibility with the previous generation x86 family (though at reduced performance levels). Obviously, it's a RISC architecture since it was originally based on Hewlet-Packard's PA-RISC (PA=Precision Architecture) design. However, Intel and HP have extended on the RISC design by using another technology: Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) computing. The idea behind VLIW computing is to use a very long opcode that handle multiple operations in parallel. In some respects, this is similar to CISC computing since a single VLIW "instruction" can do some very complex things. However, unlike CISC instructions, a VLIW instruction word can actually complete several independent tasks simultaneously. Effectively, this allows the CPU to execute some number of instructions in parallel.
Intel's VLIW approach is risky. To succeed, they are depending on compiler technology that doesn't yet exist. They made this same mistake with the iAPX 432. It remains to be seen whether history is about to repeat itself or if Intel has a winner on their hands.
4.7 Instruction Execution, Step-By-Step
To understand the problems with developing an efficient CPU, let's consider four representative 80x86 instructions: MOV, ADD, LOOP, and JNZ (jump if not zero). These instructions will allow us to explore many of the issues facing the x86 CPU designer.
You've seen the MOV and ADD instructions in previous chapters so there is no need to review them here. The LOOP and JNZ instructions are new, so it's probably a good idea to explain what they do before proceeding. Both of these instructions are conditional jump instructions. A conditional jump instruction tests some condition and jumps to some other instruction in memory if the condition is true and they fall through to the next instruction if the condition is false. This is basically the opposite of HLA's IF statement (which falls through if the condition is true and jumps to the else section if the condition is false). The JNZ (jump if not zero) instruction tests the CPU's zero flag and transfers control to some target location if the zero flag contains zero; JNZ falls through to the next instruction if the zero flag contains one. The program specifies the target instruction to jump to by specifying the distance from the JNZ instruction to the target instruction as a small signed integer (for our purposes here, we'll assume that the distance is within the range ±128 bytes so the instruction uses a single byte to specify the distance to the target location).
The last instruction of interest to us here is the LOOP instruction. The LOOP instruction decrements the value of the ECX register and transfers control to a target instruction within ±128 bytes if ECX does not contain zero (after the decrement). This is a good example of a CISC instruction since it does multiple operations: (1) it subtracts one from ECX and then it (2) does a conditional jump if ECX does not contain zero. That is, LOOP is equivalent to the following two 80x86 instructions5:
loop SomeLabel; -is roughly equivalent to- dec( ecx ); jnz SomeLabel;Note that SomeLabel specifies the address of the target instruction that must be within about ±128 bytes of the LOOP or JNZ instructions above. The LOOP instruction is a good example of a complex (vs. RISC core) instruction on the Pentium processors. It is actually faster to execute a DEC and a JNZ instruction6 than it is to execute a LOOP instruction. In this section we will not concern ourselves with this issue; we will assume that the LOOP instruction operates as though it were a RISC core instruction.
The 80x86 CPUs do not execute instructions in a single clock cycle. For example, the MOV instruction (which is relatively simple) could use the following execution steps7:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction to see what it does.
- If required, fetch a 16-bit instruction operand from memory.
- If required, update EIP to point beyond the operand.
- If required, compute the address of the operand (e.g., EBX+disp) .
- Fetch the operand.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
If we allocate one clock cycle for each of the above steps, an instruction could take as many as eight clock cycles to complete (note that three of the steps above are optional, depending on the MOV instruction's addressing mode, so a simple MOV instruction could complete in as few as five clock cycles).
The ADD instruction is a little more complex. Here's a typical set of operations the ADD( reg, reg) instruction must complete:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction.
- Get the value of the source operand and send it to the ALU.
- Fetch the value of the destination operand (a register) and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to add the values.
- Store the result back into the first register operand.
- Update the flags register with the result of the addition operation.
If the source operand is a memory location, the operation is slightly more complicated:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction.
- If required, fetch a displacement for use in the effective address calculation
- If required, update EIP to point beyond the displacement value.
- Get the value of the source operand from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Fetch the value of the destination operand (a register) and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to add the values.
- Store the result back into the register operand.
- Update the flags register with the result of the addition operation.
ADD( const, memory) is the messiest of all, this code sequence looks something like the following:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction.
- If required, fetch a displacement for use in the effective address calculation
- If required, update EIP to point beyond the displacement value.
- Fetch the constant value from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Update EIP to point beyond the constant's value (at the next instruction in memory).
- Get the value of the source operand from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to add the values.
- Store the result back into the memory operand.
- Update the flags register with the result of the addition operation.
Note that there are other forms of the ADD instruction requiring their own special processing. These are just representative examples. As you see in these examples, the ADD instruction could take as many as ten steps (or cycles) to complete. Note that this is one advantage of a RISC design. Most RISC design have only one or two forms of the ADD instruction (that add registers together and, perhaps, that add constants to registers). Since register to register adds are often the fastest (and constant to register adds are probably the second fastest), the RISC CPUs force you to use the fastest forms of these instructions.
The JNZ instruction might use the following sequence of steps:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction.
- Fetch a displacement byte to determine the jump distance send this to the ALU
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Test the zero flag to see if it is clear.
- If the zero flag was clear, copy the EIP register to the ALU.
- If the zero flag was clear, instruct the ALU to add the displacement and EIP register values.
- If the zero flag was clear, copy the result of the addition above back to the EIP register.
Notice how the JNZ instruction requires fewer steps if the jump is not taken. This is very typical for conditional jump instructions. If each step above corresponds to one clock cycle, the JNZ instruction would take six or nine clock cycles, depending on whether the branch is taken. Because the 80x86 JNZ instruction does not allow different types of operands, there is only one sequence of steps needed for this application.
The 80x86 LOOP instruction might use an execution sequence like the following:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction.
- Fetch the value of the ECX register and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to decrement the value.
- Send the result back to the ECX register. Set a special internal flag if this value is non-zero.
- Fetch a displacement byte to determine the jump distance send this to the ALU
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Test the special flag to see if ECX was non-zero.
- If the flag was set, copy the EIP register to the ALU.
- If the flag was set, instruct the ALU to add the displacement and EIP register values.
- If the flag was set, copy the result of the addition above back to the EIP register.
Although a given 80x86 CPU might not execute the steps for the instructions above, they all execute some sequence of operations. Each operation requires a finite amount of time to execute (generally, one clock cycle per operation or stage as we usually refer to each of the above steps). Obviously, the more steps needed for an instruction, the slower it will run. This is why complex instructions generally run slower than simple instructions, complex instructions usually have lots of execution stages.
4.8 Parallelism - the Key to Faster Processors
An early goal of the RISC processors was to execute one instruction per clock cycle, on the average. However, even if a RISC instruction is simplified, the actual execution of the instruction still requires multiple steps. So how could they achieve this goal? And how do later members the 80x86 family with their complex instruction sets also achieve this goal? The answer is parallelism.
Consider the following steps for a MOV( reg, reg) instruction:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction to see what it does.
- Fetch the source register.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
There are five stages in the exection of this instruction with certain dependencies between each stage. For example, the CPU must fetch the instruction byte from memory before it updates EIP to point at the next byte in memory. Likewise, the CPU must decode the instruction before it can fetch the source register (since it doesn't know it needs to fetch a source register until it decodes the instruction). As a final example, the CPU must fetch the source register before it can store the fetched value in the destination register.
Most of the stages in the execution of this MOV instruction are serial. That is, the CPU must execute one stage before proceeding to the next. The one exception is the "Update EIP" step. Although this stage must follow the first stage, none of the following stages in the instruction depend upon this step. Therefore, this could be the third, forth, or fifth step in the calculation and it wouldn't affect the outcome of the instruction. Further, we could execute this step concurrently with any of the other steps and it wouldn't affect the operation of the MOV instruction, e.g.,
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Decode the instruction to see what it does.
- Fetch the source register and update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
By doing two of the stages in parallel, we can reduce the execution time of this instruction by one clock cycle. Although the remaining stages in the "mov( reg, reg );" instruction must remain serialized (that is, they must take place in exactly this order), other forms of the MOV instruction offer similar opportunities to overlapped portions of their execution to save some cycles. For example, consider the "mov( [ebx+disp], eax );" instruction:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction to see what it does.
- Fetch a displacement operand from memory.
- Update EIP to point beyond the displacement.
- Compute the address of the operand (e.g., EBX+disp) .
- Fetch the operand.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
Once again there is the opportunity to overlap the execution of several stages in this instruction, for example:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Decode the instruction to see what it does and update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Fetch a displacement operand from memory.
- Compute the address of the operand (e.g., EBX+disp) and update EIP to point beyond the displacement..
- Fetch the operand.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
In this example, we reduced the number of execution steps from eight to six by overlapping the update of EIP with two other operations.
As a last example, consider the "add( const, [ebx+disp] );" instruction (the instruction with the largest number of steps we've considered thus far). It's non-overlapped execution looks like this:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction.
- Fetch a displacement for use in the effective address calculation
- Update EIP to point beyond the displacement value.
- Fetch the constant value from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Compute the address of the memory operand (EBX+disp).
- Get the value of the source operand from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to add the values.
- Store the result back into the memory operand.
- Update the flags register with the result of the addition operation.
- Update EIP to point beyond the constant's value (at the next instruction in memory).
We can overlap at least three steps in this instruction by noting that certain stages don't depend on the result of their immediate predecessor
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Decode the instruction and update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Fetch a displacement for use in the effective address calculation
- Update EIP to point beyond the displacement value.
- Fetch the constant value from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Compute the address of the memory operand (EBX+disp).
- Get the value of the source operand from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to add the values.
- Store the result back into the memory operand and update the flags register with the result of the addition operation and update EIP to point beyond the constant's value.
Note that we could not merge one of the "Update EIP" operations because the previous stage and following stages of the instruction both use the value of EIP before and after the update.
Unlike the MOV instruction, the steps in the ADD instruction above are not all dependent upon the previous stage in the instruction's execution. For example, the sequence above fetches the constant from memory and then computes the effective address (EBX+disp) of the memory operand. Neither operation depends upon the other, so we could easily swap their positions above to yield the following:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Decode the instruction and update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Fetch a displacement for use in the effective address calculation
- Update EIP to point beyond the displacement value.
- Compute the address of the memory operand (EBX+disp).
- Fetch the constant value from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Get the value of the source operand from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to add the values.
- Store the result back into the memory operand and update the flags register with the result of the addition operation and update EIP to point beyond the constant's value.
This doesn't save any steps, but it does reduce some dependencies between certain stages and their immediate predecessors, allowing additional parallel operation. For example, we can now merge the "Update EIP" operation with the effective address calculation:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Decode the instruction and update EIP to point at the next byte.
- Fetch a displacement for use in the effective address calculation
- Compute the address of the memory operand (EBX+disp) and update EIP to point beyond the displacement value.
- Fetch the constant value from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Get the value of the source operand from memory and send it to the ALU.
- Instruct the ALU to add the values.
- Store the result back into the memory operand and update the flags register with the result of the addition operation and update EIP to point beyond the constant's value.
Although it might seem possible to fetch the constant and the memory operand in the same step (since their values do not depend upon one another), the CPU can't actually do this (yet!) because it has only a single data bus. Since both of these values are coming from memory, we can't bring them into the CPU during the same step because the CPU uses the data bus to fetch these two values. In the next section you'll see how we can overcome this problem.
By overlapping various stages in the execution of these instructions we've been able to substantially reduce the number of steps (i.e., clock cycles) that the instructions need to complete execution. This process of executing various steps of the instruction in parallel with other steps is a major key to improving CPU performance without cranking up the clock speed on the chip. In this section we've seen how to speed up the execution of an instruction by doing many of the internal operations of that instruction in parallel. However, there's only so much to be gained from this approach. In this approach, the instructions themselves are still serialized (one instruction completes before the next instruction begins execution). Starting with the next section we'll start to see how to overlap the execution of adjacent instructions in order to save additional cycles.
4.8.1 The Prefetch Queue - Using Unused Bus Cycles
The key to improving the speed of a processor is to perform operations in parallel. If we were able to do two operations on each clock cycle, the CPU would execute instructions twice as fast when running at the same clock speed. However, simply deciding to execute two operations per clock cycle is not so easy. Many steps in the execution of an instruction share functional units in the CPU (functional units are groups of logic that perform a common operation, e.g., the ALU and the CU). A functional unit is only capable of one operation at a time. Therefore, you cannot do two operations that use the same functional unit concurrently (e.g., incrementing the EIP register and adding two values together). Another difficulty with doing certain operations concurrently is that one operation may depend on the other's result. For example, the two steps of the ADD instruction that involve adding two values and then storing their sum. You cannot store the sum into a register until after you've computed the sum. There are also some other resources the CPU cannot share between steps in an instruction. For example, there is only one data bus; the CPU cannot fetch an instruction opcode at the same time it is trying to store some data to memory. The trick in designing a CPU that executes several steps in parallel is to arrange those steps to reduce conflicts or add additional logic so the two (or more) operations can occur simultaneously by executing in different functional units.
Consider again the steps the MOV( mem/reg, reg ) instruction requires:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Decode the instruction to see what it does.
- If required, fetch a displacement operand from memory.
- If required, update EIP to point beyond the displacement.
- Compute the address of the operand, if required (i.e., EBX+xxxx) .
- Fetch the operand.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
The first operation uses the value of the EIP register (so we cannot overlap incrementing EIP with it) and it uses the bus to fetch the instruction opcode from memory. Every step that follows this one depends upon the opcode it fetches from memory, so it is unlikely we will be able to overlap the execution of this step with any other.
The second and third operations do not share any functional units, nor does decoding an opcode depend upon the value of the EIP register. Therefore, we can easily modify the control unit so that it increments the EIP register at the same time it decodes the instruction. This will shave one cycle off the execution of the MOV instruction.
The third and fourth operations above (decoding and optionally fetching the displacement operand) do not look like they can be done in parallel since you must decode the instruction to determine if it the CPU needs to fetch an operand from memory. However, we could design the CPU to go ahead and fetch the operand anyway, so that it's available if we need it. There is one problem with this idea, though, we must have the address of the operand to fetch (the value in the EIP register) and if we must wait until we are done incrementing the EIP register before fetching this operand. If we are incrementing EIP at the same time we're decoding the instruction, we will have to wait until the next cycle to fetch this operand.
Since the next three steps are optional, there are several possible instruction sequences at this point:
- #1 (step 4, step 5, step 6, and step 7) - e.g., MOV( [ebx+1000], eax )
- #2 (step 4, step 5, and step 7) - e.g., MOV( disp, eax ) -- assume disp's address is 1000
- #3 (step 6 and step 7) - e.g., MOV( [ebx], eax )
- #4 (step 7) - e.g., MOV( ebx, eax )
In the sequences above, step seven always relies on the previous steps in the sequence. Therefore, step seven cannot execute in parallel with any of the other steps. Step six also relies upon step four. Step five cannot execute in parallel with step four since step four uses the value in the EIP register, however, step five can execute in parallel with any other step. Therefore, we can shave one cycle off the first two sequences above as follows:
- #1 (step 4, step 5/6, and step 7)
- #2 (step 4, step 5/7)
- #3 (step 6 and step 7)
- #4 (step 7)
Of course, there is no way to overlap the execution of steps seven and eight in the MOV instruction since it must surely fetch the value before storing it away. By combining these steps, we obtain the following steps for the MOV instruction:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Decode the instruction and update ip
- If required, fetch a displacement operand from memory.
- Compute the address of the operand, if required (i.e., ebx+xxxx) .
- Fetch the operand, if required update EIP to point beyond xxxx.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
By adding a small amount of logic to the CPU, we've shaved one or two cycles off the execution of the MOV instruction. This simple optimization works with most of the other instructions as well.
Consider what happens with the MOV instruction above executes on a CPU with a 32-bit data bus. If the MOV instruction fetches an eight-bit displacement from memory, the CPU may actually wind up fetching the following three bytes after the displacement along with the displacement value (since the 32-bit data bus lets us fetch four bytes in a single bus cycle). The second byte on the data bus is actually the opcode of the next instruction. If we could save this opcode until the execution of the next instruction, we could shave a cycle of its execution time since it would not have to fetch the opcode byte. Furthermore, since the instruction decoder is idle while the CPU is executing the MOV instruction, we can actually decode the next instruction while the current instruction is executing, thereby shaving yet another cycle off the execution of the next instruction. This, effectively, overlaps a portion of the MOV instruction with the beginning of the execution of the next instruction, allowing additional parallelism.
Can we improve on this? The answer is yes. Note that during the execution of the MOV instruction the CPU is not accessing memory on every clock cycle. For example, while storing the data into the destination register the bus is idle. During time periods when the bus is idle we can pre-fetch instruction opcodes and operands and save these values for executing the next instruction.
The hardware to do this is the prefetch queue. Figure 4.4 shows the internal organization of a CPU with a prefetch queue. The Bus Interface Unit, as its name implies, is responsible for controlling access to the address and data busses. Whenever some component inside the CPU wishes to access main memory, it sends this request to the bus interface unit (or BIU) that acts as a "traffic cop" and handles simultaneous requests for bus access by different modules (e.g., the execution unit and the prefetch queue).
Figure 4.4 CPU Design with a Prefetch Queue
Whenever the execution unit is not using the Bus Interface Unit, the BIU can fetch additional bytes from the instruction stream. Whenever the CPU needs an instruction or operand byte, it grabs the next available byte from the prefetch queue. Since the BIU grabs four bytes at a time from memory (assuming a 32-bit data bus) and it generally consumes fewer than four bytes per clock cycle, any bytes the CPU would normally fetch from the instruction stream will already be sitting in the prefetch queue.
Note, however, that we're not guaranteed that all instructions and operands will be sitting in the prefetch queue when we need them. For example, consider the "JNZ Label;" instruction, if it transfers control to Label, will invalidate the contents of the prefetch queue. If this instruction appears at locations 400 and 401 in memory (it is a two-byte instruction), the prefetch queue will contain the bytes at addresses 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, etc. If the target address of the JNZ instruction is 480, the bytes at addresses 402, 403, 404, etc., won't do us any good. So the system has to pause for a moment to fetch the double word at address 480 before it can go on.
Another improvement we can make is to overlap instruction decoding with the last step of the previous instruction. After the CPU processes the operand, the next available byte in the prefetch queue is an opcode, and the CPU can decode it in anticipation of its execution. Of course, if the current instruction modifies the EIP register then any time spent decoding the next instruction goes to waste, but since this occurs in parallel with other operations, it does not slow down the system (though it does require extra circuitry to do this).
The instruction execution sequence now assumes that the following events occur in the background:
- If the prefetch queue is not full (generally it can hold between eight and thirty-two bytes, depending on the processor) and the BIU is idle on the current clock cycle, fetch the next double word from memory at the address in EIP at the beginning of the clock cycle8.
- If the instruction decoder is idle and the current instruction does not require an instruction operand, begin decoding the opcode at the front of the prefetch queue (if present), otherwise begin decoding the byte beyond the current operand in the prefetch queue (if present). If the desired byte is not in the prefetch queue, do not execute this event.
Now let's reconsider our "mov( reg, reg );" instruction from the previous section. With the addition of the prefetch queue and the bus interface unit, fetching and decoding opcode bytes, as well as updating the EIP register, takes place in parallel with the previous instruction. Without the BIU and the prefetch queue, the "mov( reg, reg );" requires the following steps:
- Fetch the instruction byte from memory.
- Decode the instruction to see what it does.
- Fetch the source register and update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
However, now that we can overlap the instruction fetch and decode with the previous instruction, we now get the following steps:
- Fetch and Decode Instruction - overlapped with previous instruction
- Fetch the source register and update the EIP register to point at the next byte.
- Store the fetched value into the destination register
The instruction execution timings make a few optimistic assumptions, namely that the opcode is already present in the prefetch queue and that the CPU has already decoded it. If either case is not true, additional cycles will be necessary so the system can fetch the opcode from memory and/or decode the instruction.
Because they invalidate the prefetch queue, jump and conditional jump instructions (when actually taken) are much slower than other instructions. This is because the CPU cannot overlap fetching and decoding the opcode for the next instruction with the execution of the jump instruction since the opcode is (probably) not in the prefetch queue. Therefore, it may take several cycles after the execution of one of these instructions for the prefetch queue to recover and the CPU is decoding opcodes in parallel with the execution of previous instructions. The has one very important implication to your programs: if you want to write fast code, make sure to avoid jumping around in your program as much as possible.
Note that the conditional jump instructions only invalidate the prefetch queue if they actually make the jump. If the condition is false, they fall through to the next instruction and continue to use the values in the prefetch queue as well as any pre-decoded instruction opcodes. Therefore, if you can determine, while writing the program, which condition is most likely (e.g., less than vs. not less than), you should arrange your program so that the most common case falls through and conditional jump rather than take the branch.
Instruction size (in bytes) can also affect the performance of the prefetch queue. The longer the instruction, the faster the CPU will empty the prefetch queue. Instructions involving constants and memory operands tend to be the largest. If you place a string of these in a row, the CPU may wind up having to wait because it is removing instructions from the prefetch queue faster than the BIU is copying data to the prefetch queue. Therefore, you should attempt to use shorter instructions whenever possible since they will improve the performance of the prefetch queue.
Usually, including the prefetch queue improves performance. That's why Intel provides the prefetch queue on many models of the 80x86 family, from the 8088 on up. On these processors, the BIU is constantly fetching data for the prefetch queue whenever the program is not actively reading or writing data.
Prefetch queues work best when you have a wide data bus. The 8086 processor runs much faster than the 8088 because it can keep the prefetch queue full with fewer bus accesses. Don't forget, the CPU needs to use the bus for other purposes than fetching opcodes, displacements, and immediate constants. Instructions that access memory compete with the prefetch queue for access to the bus (and, therefore, have priority). If you have a sequence of instructions that all access memory, the prefetch queue may become empty if there are only a few bus cycles available for filling the prefetch queue during the execution of these instructions. Of course, once the prefetch queue is empty, the CPU must wait for the BIU to fetch new opcodes from memory, slowing the program.
A wider data bus allows the BIU to pull in more prefetch queue data in the few bus cycles available for this purpose, so it is less likely the prefetch queue will ever empty out with a wider data bus. Executing shorter instructions also helps keep the prefetch queue full. The reason is that the prefetch queue has time to refill itself with the shorter instructions. Moral of the story: when programming a processor with a prefetch queue, always use the shortest instructions possible to accomplish a given task.
4.8.2 Pipelining - Overlapping the Execution of Multiple Instructions
Executing instructions in parallel using a bus interface unit and an execution unit is a special case of pipelining. The 80x86 family, starting with the 80486, incorporates pipelining to improve performance. With just a few exceptions, we'll see that pipelining allows us to execute one instruction per clock cycle.
The advantage of the prefetch queue was that it let the CPU overlap instruction fetching and decoding with instruction execution. That is, while one instruction is executing, the BIU is fetching and decoding the next instruction. Assuming you're willing to add hardware, you can execute almost all operations in parallel. That is the idea behind pipelining. A Typical Pipeline
Consider the steps necessary to do a generic operation:
- Fetch opcode.
- Decode opcode and (in parallel) prefetch a possible displacement or constant operand (or both)
- Compute complex addressing mode (e.g., [ebx+xxxx]), if applicable.
- Fetch the source value from memory (if a memory operand) and the destination register value (if applicable).
- Compute the result.
- Store result into destination register.
Assuming you're willing to pay for some extra silicon, you can build a little "mini-processor" to handle each of the above steps. The organization would look something like Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5 A Pipelined Implementation of Instruction Execution
Note how we've combined some stages from the previous section. For example, in stage four of Figure 4.5 the CPU fetches the source and destination operands in the same step. You can do this by putting multiple data paths inside the CPU (e.g., from the registers to the ALU) and ensuring that no two operands ever compete for simultaneous use of the data bus (i.e., no memory-to-memory operations).
If you design a separate piece of hardware for each stage in the pipeline above, almost all these steps can take place in parallel. Of course, you cannot fetch and decode the opcode for more than one instruction at the same time, but you can fetch one opcode while decoding the previous instruction. If you have an n-stage pipeline, you will usually have n instructions executing concurrently.
Figure 4.6 Instruction Execution in a Pipeline
Figure 4.6 shows pipelining in operatoin. T1, T2, T3, etc., represent consecutive "ticks" of the system clock. At T=T1 the CPU fetches the opcode byte for the first instruction.
At T=T2, the CPU begins decoding the opcode for the first instruction. In parallel, it fetches a block of bytes from the prefetch queue in the event the instruction has an operand. Since the first instruction no longer needs the opcode fetching circuitry, the CPU instructs it to fetch the opcode of the second instruction in parallel with the decoding of the first instruction. Note there is a minor conflict here. The CPU is attempting to fetch the next byte from the prefetch queue for use as an operand, at the same time it is fetching operand data from the prefetch queue for use as an opcode. How can it do both at once? You'll see the solution in a few moments.
At T=T3 the CPU computes an operand address for the first instruction, if any. The CPU does nothing on the first instruction if it does not use an addressing mode requiring such computation. During T3, the CPU also decodes the opcode of the second instruction and fetches any necessary operand. Finally the CPU also fetches the opcode for the third instruction. With each advancing tick of the clock, another step in the execution of each instruction in the pipeline completes, and the CPU fetches yet another instruction from memory.
This process continues until at T=T6 the CPU completes the execution of the first instruction, computes the result for the second, etc., and, finally, fetches the opcode for the sixth instruction in the pipeline. The important thing to see is that after T=T5 the CPU completes an instruction on every clock cycle. Once the CPU fills the pipeline, it completes one instruction on each cycle. Note that this is true even if there are complex addressing modes to be computed, memory operands to fetch, or other operations which use cycles on a non-pipelined processor. All you need to do is add more stages to the pipeline, and you can still effectively process each instruction in one clock cycle.
A bit earlier you saw a small conflict in the pipeline organization. At T=T2, for example, the CPU is attempting to prefetch a block of bytes for an operand and at the same time it is trying to fetch the next opcode byte. Until the CPU decodes the first instruction it doesn't know how many operands the instruction requires nor does it know their length. However, the CPU needs to know this information to determine the length of the instruction so it knows what byte to fetch as the opcode of the next instruction. So how can the pipeline fetch an instruction opcode in parallel with an address operand?
One solution is to disallow this. If an instruction as an address or constant operand, we simply delay the start of the next instruction (this is known as a hazard as you shall soon see). Unfortunately, many instructions have these additional operands, so this approach will have a substantial negative impact on the execution speed of the CPU.
The second solution is to throw (a lot) more hardware at the problem. Operand and constant sizes usually come in one, two, and four-byte lengths. Therefore, if we actually fetch three bytes from memory, at offsets one, three, and five, beyond the current opcode we are decoding, we know that one of these bytes will probably contain the opcode of the next instruction. Once we are through decoding the current instruction we know how long it will be and, therefore, we know the offset of the next opcode. We can use a simple data selector circuit to choose which of the three opcode bytes we want to use.
In actual practice, we have to select the next opcode byte from more than three candidates because 80x86 instructions take many different lengths. For example, an instruction that moves a 32-bit constant to a memory location can be ten or more bytes long. And there are instruction lengths for nearly every value between one and fifteen bytes. Also, some opcodes on the 80x86 are longer than one byte, so the CPU may have to fetch multiple bytes in order to properly decode the current instruction. Nevertheless, by throwing more hardware at the problem we can decode the current opcode at the same time we're fetching the next. Stalls in a Pipeline
Unfortunately, the scenario presented in the previous section is a little too simplistic. There are two drawbacks to that simple pipeline: bus contention among instructions and non-sequential program execution. Both problems may increase the average execution time of the instructions in the pipeline.
Bus contention occurs whenever an instruction needs to access some item in memory. For example, if a "mov( reg, mem);" instruction needs to store data in memory and a "mov( mem, reg);" instruction is reading data from memory, contention for the address and data bus may develop since the CPU will be trying to simultaneously fetch data and write data in memory.
One simplistic way to handle bus contention is through a pipeline stall. The CPU, when faced with contention for the bus, gives priority to the instruction furthest along in the pipeline. The CPU suspends fetching opcodes until the current instruction fetches (or stores) its operand. This causes the new instruction in the pipeline to take two cycles to execute rather than one (see Figure 4.7).
This example is but one case of bus contention. There are many others. For example, as noted earlier, fetching instruction operands requires access to the prefetch queue at the same time the CPU needs to fetch an opcode. Given the simple scheme above, it's unlikely that most instructions would execute at one clock per instruction (CPI).
Fortunately, the intelligent use of a cache system can eliminate many pipeline stalls like the ones discussed above. The next section on caching will describe how this is done. However, it is not always possible, even with a cache, to avoid stalling the pipeline. What you cannot fix in hardware, you can take care of with software. If you avoid using memory, you can reduce bus contention and your programs will execute faster. Likewise, using shorter instructions also reduces bus contention and the possibility of a pipeline stall.
What happens when an instruction modifies the EIP register? This, of course, implies that the next set of instructions to execute do not immediately follow the instruction that modifies EIP. By the time the instruction
JNZ Label;completes execution (assuming the zero flag is clear so the branch is taken), we've already started five other instructions and we're only one clock cycle away from the completion of the first of these. Obviously, the CPU must not execute those instructions or it will compute improper results.
The only reasonable solution is to flush the entire pipeline and begin fetching opcodes anew. However, doing so causes a severe execution time penalty. It will take six clock cycles (the length of the pipeline in our examples) before the next instruction completes execution. Clearly, you should avoid the use of instructions which interrupt the sequential execution of a program. This also shows another problem - pipeline length. The longer the pipeline is, the more you can accomplish per cycle in the system. However, lengthening a pipeline may slow a program if it jumps around quite a bit. Unfortunately, you cannot control the number of stages in the pipeline9. You can, however, control the number of transfer instructions which appear in your programs. Obviously you should keep these to a minimum in a pipelined system.
4.8.3 Instruction Caches - Providing Multiple Paths to Memory
System designers can resolve many problems with bus contention through the intelligent use of the prefetch queue and the cache memory subsystem. They can design the prefetch queue to buffer up data from the instruction stream, and they can design the cache with separate data and code areas. Both techniques can improve system performance by eliminating some conflicts for the bus.
The prefetch queue simply acts as a buffer between the instruction stream in memory and the opcode fetching circuitry. The prefetch queue works well when the CPU isn't constantly accessing memory. When the CPU isn't accessing memory, the BIU can fetch additional instruction opcodes for the prefetch queue. Alas, the pipelined 80x86 CPUs are constantly accessing memory since they fetch an opcode byte on every clock cycle. Therefore, the prefetch queue cannot take advantage of any "dead" bus cycles to fetch additional opcode bytes - there aren't any "dead" bus cycles. However, the prefetch queue is still valuable for a very simple reason: the BIU fetches multiple bytes on each memory access and most instructions are shorter. Without the prefetch queue, the system would have to explicitly fetch each opcode, even if the BIU had already "accidentally" fetched the opcode along with the previous instruction. With the prefetch queue, however, the system will not refetch any opcodes. It fetches them once and saves them for use by the opcode fetch unit.
For example, if you execute two one-byte instructions in a row, the BIU can fetch both opcodes in one memory cycle, freeing up the bus for other operations. The CPU can use these available bus cycles to fetch additional opcodes or to deal with other memory accesses.
Of course, not all instructions are one byte long. The 80x86 has a large number of different instruction sizes. If you execute several large instructions in a row, you're going to run slower. Once again we return to that same rule: the fastest programs are the ones which use the shortest instructions. If you can use shorter instructions to accomplish some task, do so.
Suppose, for a moment, that the CPU has two separate memory spaces, one for instructions and one for data, each with their own bus. This is called the Harvard Architecture since the first such machine was built at Harvard. On a Harvard machine there would be no contention for the bus. The BIU could continue to fetch opcodes on the instruction bus while accessing memory on the data/memory bus (see Figure 4.8),
Figure 4.8 A Typical Harvard Machine
In the real world, there are very few true Harvard machines. The extra pins needed on the processor to support two physically separate busses increase the cost of the processor and introduce many other engineering problems. However, microprocessor designers have discovered that they can obtain many benefits of the Harvard architecture with few of the disadvantages by using separate on-chip caches for data and instructions. Advanced CPUs use an internal Harvard architecture and an external Von Neumann architecture. Figure 4.9 shows the structure of the 80x86 with separate data and instruction caches.
Figure 4.9 Using Separate Code and Data Caches
Each path inside the CPU represents an independent bus. Data can flow on all paths concurrently. This means that the prefetch queue can be pulling instruction opcodes from the instruction cache while the execution unit is writing data to the data cache. Now the BIU only fetches opcodes from memory whenever it cannot locate them in the instruction cache. Likewise, the data cache buffers memory. The CPU uses the data/address bus only when reading a value which is not in the cache or when flushing data back to main memory.
Although you cannot control the presence, size, or type of cache on a CPU, as an assembly language programmer you must be aware of how the cache operates to write the best programs. On-chip level one instruction caches are generally quite small (8,192 bytes on the 80486, for example). Therefore, the shorter your instructions, the more of them will fit in the cache (getting tired of "shorter instructions" yet?). The more instructions you have in the cache, the less often bus contention will occur. Likewise, using registers to hold temporary results places less strain on the data cache so it doesn't need to flush data to memory or retrieve data from memory quite so often. Use the registers wherever possible!
4.8.4 Hazards
There is another problem with using a pipeline: the data hazard. Let's look at the execution profile for the following instruction sequence:
mov( Somevar, ebx ); mov( [ebx], eax );When these two instructions execute, the pipeline will look something like shown in Figure 4.10:
Note a major problem here. These two instructions fetch the 32 bit value whose address appears at location &SomeVar in memory. But this sequence of instructions won't work properly! Unfortunately, the second instruction has already used the value in EBX before the first instruction loads the contents of memory location &SomeVar (T4 & T6 in the diagram above).
CISC processors, like the 80x86, handle hazards automatically10. However, they will stall the pipeline to synchronize the two instructions. The actual execution would look something like shown in Figure 4.11.
Figure 4.11 How the 80x86 Handles a Data Hazard
By delaying the second instruction two clock cycles, the CPU guarantees that the load instruction will load EAX from the proper address. Unfortunately, the second load instruction now executes in three clock cycles rather than one. However, requiring two extra clock cycles is better than producing incorrect results. Fortunately, you can reduce the impact of hazards on execution speed within your software.
Note that the data hazard occurs when the source operand of one instruction was a destination operand of a previous instruction. There is nothing wrong with loading EBX from SomeVar and then loading EAX from [EBX], unless they occur one right after the other. Suppose the code sequence had been:
mov( 2000, ecx ); mov( SomeVar, ebx ); mov( [ebx], eax );We could reduce the effect of the hazard that exists in this code sequence by simply rearranging the instructions. Let's do that and obtain the following:
mov( SomeVar, ebx ); mov( 2000, ecx ); mov( [ebx], eax );Now the "mov( [ebx], eax);" instruction requires only one additional clock cycle rather than two. By inserting yet another instruction between the "mov( SomeVar, ebx);" and the "mov( [ebx], eax);" instructions you can eliminate the effects of the hazard altogether11.
On a pipelined processor, the order of instructions in a program may dramatically affect the performance of that program. Always look for possible hazards in your instruction sequences. Eliminate them wherever possible by rearranging the instructions.
In addition to data hazards, there are also control hazards. We've actually discussed control hazards already, although we did not refer to them by that name. A control hazard occurs whenever the CPU branches to some new location in memory and the CPU has to flush the following instructions following the branch that are in various stages of execution.
4.8.5 Superscalar Operation- Executing Instructions in Parallel
With the pipelined architecture we could achieve, at best, execution times of one CPI (clock per instruction). Is it possible to execute instructions faster than this? At first glance you might think, "Of course not, we can do at most one operation per clock cycle. So there is no way we can execute more than one instruction per clock cycle." Keep in mind however, that a single instruction is not a single operation. In the examples presented earlier each instruction has taken between six and eight operations to complete. By adding seven or eight separate units to the CPU, we could effectively execute these eight operations in one clock cycle, yielding one CPI. If we add more hardware and execute, say, 16 operations at once, can we achieve 0.5 CPI? The answer is a qualified "yes." A CPU including this additional hardware is a superscalar CPU and can execute more than one instruction during a single clock cycle. The 80x86 family began supporting superscalar execution with the introduction of the Pentium processor.
A superscalar CPU has, essentially, several execution units (see Figure 4.12). If it encounters two or more instructions in the instruction stream (i.e., the prefetch queue) which can execute independently, it will do so.
Figure 4.12 A CPU that Supports Superscalar Operation
There are a couple of advantages to going superscalar. Suppose you have the following instructions in the instruction stream:
mov( 1000, eax ); mov( 2000, ebx );If there are no other problems or hazards in the surrounding code, and all six bytes for these two instructions are currently in the prefetch queue, there is no reason why the CPU cannot fetch and execute both instructions in parallel. All it takes is extra silicon on the CPU chip to implement two execution units.
Besides speeding up independent instructions, a superscalar CPU can also speed up program sequences that have hazards. One limitation of superscalar CPU is that once a hazard occurs, the offending instruction will completely stall the pipeline. Every instruction which follows will also have to wait for the CPU to synchronize the execution of the instructions. With a superscalar CPU, however, instructions following the hazard may continue execution through the pipeline as long as they don't have hazards of their own. This alleviates (though does not eliminate) some of the need for careful instruction scheduling.
As an assembly language programmer, the way you write software for a superscalar CPU can dramatically affect its performance. First and foremost is that rule you're probably sick of by now: use short instructions. The shorter your instructions are, the more instructions the CPU can fetch in a single operation and, therefore, the more likely the CPU will execute faster than one CPI. Most superscalar CPUs do not completely duplicate the execution unit. There might be multiple ALUs, floating point units, etc. This means that certain instruction sequences can execute very quickly while others won't. You have to study the exact composition of your CPU to decide which instruction sequences produce the best performance.
4.8.6 Out of Order Execution
In a standard superscalar CPU it is the programmer's (or compiler's) responsibility to schedule (arrange) the instructions to avoid hazards and pipeline stalls. Fancier CPUs can actually remove some of this burden and improve performance by automatically rescheduling instructions while the program executes. To understand how this is possible, consider the following instruction sequence:
mov( SomeVar, ebx ); mov( [ebx], eax ); mov( 2000, ecx );A data hazard exists between the first and second instructions above. The second instruction must delay until the first instruction completes execution. This introduces a pipeline stall and increases the running time of the program. Typically, the stall affects every instruction that follows. However, note that the third instruction's execution does not depend on the result from either of the first two instructions. Therefore, there is no reason to stall the execution of the "mov( 2000, ecx );" instruction. It may continue executing while the second instruction waits for the first to complete. This technique, appearing in later members of the Pentium line, is called "out of order execution" because the CPU completes the execution of some instruction prior to the execution of previous instructions appearing in the code stream.
Clearly, the CPU may only execute instruction out of sequence if doing so produces exactly the same results as in-order execution. While there a lots of little technical issues that make this problem a little more difficult than it seems, with enough engineering effort it is quite possible to implement this feature.
Although you might think that this extra effort is not worth it (why not make it the programmer's or compiler's responsibility to schedule the instructions) there are some situations where out of order execution will improve performance that static scheduling could not handle.
4.8.7 Register Renaming
One problem that hampers the effectiveness of superscalar operation on the 80x86 CPU is the 80x86's limited number of general purpose registers. Suppose, for example, that the CPU had four different pipelines and, therefore, was capable of executing four instructions simultaneously. Actually achieving four instructions per clock cycle would be very difficult because most instructions (that can execute simultaneously with other instructions) operate on two register operands. For four instructions to execute concurrently, you'd need four separate destination registers and four source registers (and the two sets of registers must be disjoint, that is, a destination register for one instruction cannot be the source of another). CPUs that have lots of registers can handle this task quite easily, but the limited register set of the 80x86 makes this difficult. Fortunately, there is a way to alleviate part of the problem: through register renaming.
Register renaming is a sneaky way to give a CPU more registers than it actually has. Programmers will not have direct access to these extra registers, but the CPU can use these additional register to prevent hazards in certain cases. For example, consider the following short instruction sequence:
mov( 0, eax ); mov( eax, i ); mov( 50, eax ); mov( eax, j );Clearly a data hazard exists between the first and second instructions and, likewise, a data hazard exists between the third and fourth instructions in this sequence. Out of order execution in a superscalar CPU would normally allow the first and third instructions to execute concurrently and then the second and fourth instructions could also execute concurrently. However, a data hazard, of sorts, also exists between the first and third instructions since they use the same register. The programmer could have easily solved this problem by using a different register (say EBX) for the third and fourth instructions. However, let's assume that the programmer was unable to do this because the other registers are all holding important values. Is this sequence doomed to executing in four cycles on a superscalar CPU that should only require two?
One advanced trick a CPU can employ is to create a bank of registers for each of the general purpose registers on the CPU. That is, rather than having a single EAX register, the CPU could support an array of EAX registers; let's call these registers EAX[0], EAX[1], EAX[2], etc. Similarly, you could have an array of each of the registers, so we could also have EBX[0]..EBX[n], ECX[0]..ECX[n], etc. Now the instruction set does not give the programmer the ability to select one of these specific register array elements for a given instruction, but the CPU can automatically choose a different register array element if doing so would not change the overall computation and doing so could speed up the execution of the program. For example, consider the following sequence (with register array elements automatically chosen by the CPU):
mov( 0, eax[0] ); mov( eax[0], i ); mov( 50, eax[1] ); mov( eax[1], j );Since EAX[0] and EAX[1] are different registers, the CPU can execute the first and third instructions concurrently. Likewise, the CPU can execute the second and fourth instructions concurrently.
The code above provides an example of register renaming. Dynamically, the CPU automatically selects one of several different elements from a register array in order to prevent data hazards. Although this is a simple example, and different CPUs implement register renaming in many different ways, this example does demonstrate how the CPU can improve performance in certain instances through the use of this technique.
4.8.8 Very Long Instruction Word Architecture (VLIW)
Superscalar operation attempts to schedule, in hardware, the execution of multiple instructions simultaneously. Another technique that Intel is using in their IA-64 architecture is the use of very long instruction words, or VLIW. In a VLIW computer system, the CPU fetches a large block of bytes (41 in the case of the IA-64 Itanium CPU) and decodes and executes this block all at once. This block of bytes usually contains two or more instructions (three in the case of the IA-64). VLIW computing requires the programmer or compiler to properly schedule the instructions in each block (so there are no hazards or other conflicts), but if properly scheduled, the CPU can execute three or more instructions per clock cycle.
The Intel IA-64 Architecture is not the only computer system to employ a VLIW architecture. Transmeta's Crusoe processor family also uses a VLIW architecture. The Crusoe processor is different than the IA-64 architecture insofar as it does not support native execution of IA-32 instructions. Instead, the Crusoe processor dynamically translates 80x86 instructions to Crusoe's VLIW instructions. This "code morphing" technology results in code running about 50% slower than native code, though the Crusoe processor has other advantages.
We will not consider VLIW computing any further since the IA-32 architecture does not support it. But keep this architectural advance in mind if you move towards the IA-64 family or the Crusoe family.
4.8.9 Parallel Processing
Most of the techniques for improving CPU performance via architectural advances involve the parallel (overlapped) execution of instructions. Most of the techniques of this chapter are transparent to the programmer. That is, the programmer does not have to do anything special to take minimal advantage of the parallel operation of pipelines and superscalar operations. True, if programmers are aware of the underlying architecture they can write code that runs even faster, but these architectural advances often improve performance even if programmers do not write special code to take advantage of them.
The only problem with this approach (attempting to dynamically parallelize an inherently sequential program) is that there is only so much you can do to parallelize a program that requires sequential execution for proper operation (which covers most programs). To truly produce a parallel program, the programmer must specifically write parallel code; of course, this does require architectural support from the CPU. This section and the next touches on the types of support a CPU can provide.
Typical CPUs use what is known as the SISD model: Single Instruction, Single Data. This means that the CPU executes one instruction at a time that operates on a single piece of data12. Two common parallel models are the so-called SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) and MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data) models. As it turns out, x86 systems can support both of these parallel execution models.
In the SIMD model, the CPU executes a single instruction stream, just like the standard SISD model. However, the CPU executes the specified operation on multiple pieces of data concurrently rather than a single data object. For example, consider the 80x86 ADD instruction. This is a SISD instruction that operates on (that is, produces) a single piece of data; true, the instruction fetches values from two source operands and stores a sum into a destination operand but the end result is that the ADD instruction will only produce a single sum. An SIMD version of ADD, on the other hand, would compute the sum of several values simultaneously. The Pentium III's MMX and SIMD instruction extensions operate in exactly this fashion. With an MMX instruction, for example, you can add up to eight separate pairs of values with the execution of a single instruction. The aptly named SIMD instruction extensions operate in a similar fashion.
Note that SIMD instructions are only useful in specialized situations. Unless you have an algorithm that can take advantage of SIMD instructions, they're not that useful. Fortunately, high-speed 3-D graphics and multimedia applications benefit greatly from these SIMD (and MMX) instructions, so their inclusion in the 80x86 CPU offers a huge performance boost for these important applications.
The MIMD model uses multiple instructions, operating on multiple pieces of data (usually one instruction per data object, though one of these instructions could also operate on multiple data items). These multiple instructions execute independently of one another. Therefore, it's very rare that a single program (or, more specifically, a single thread of execution) would use the MIMD model. However, if you have a multiprogramming environment with multiple programs attempting to execute concurrently in memory, the MIMD model does allow each of those programs to execute their own code stream concurrently. This type of parallel system is usually called a multiprocessor system. Multiprocessor systems are the subject of the next section.
The common computation models are SISD, SIMD, and MIMD. If you're wondering if there is a MISD model (Multiple Instruction, Single Data) the answer is no. Such an architecture doesn't really make sense.
4.8.10 Multiprocessing
Pipelining, superscalar operation, out of order execution, and VLIW design are techniques CPU designers use in order to execute several operations in parallel. These techniques support fine-grained parallelism13 and are useful for speeding up adjacent instructions in a computer system. If adding more functional units increases parallelism (and, therefore, speeds up the system), you might wonder what would happen if you added two CPUs to the system. This technique, known as multiprocessing, can improve system performance, though not as uniformly as other techniques. As noted in the previous section, a multiprocessor system uses the MIMD parallel execution model.
The techniques we've considered to this point don't require special programming to realize a performance increase. True, if you do pay attention you will get better performance; but no special programming is necessary to activate these features. Multiprocessing, on the other hand, doesn't help a program one bit unless that program was specifically written to use multiprocessor (or runs under an O/S specfically written to support multiprocessing). If you build a system with two CPUs, those CPUs cannot trade off executing alternate instructions within a program. In fact, it is very expensive (timewise) to switch the execution of a program from one processor to another. Therefore, multiprocessor systems are really only effective in a system that execute multiple programs concurrently (i.e., a multitasking system)14. To differentiate this type of parallelism from that afforded by pipelining and superscalar operation, we'll call this kind of parallelism coarse-grained parallelism.
Adding multiple processors to a system is not as simple as wiring the processor to the motherboard. A big problem with multiple processors is the cache coherency problem. To understand this problem, consider two separate programs running on separate processors in a multiprocessor system. Suppose also that these two processor communicate with one another by writing to a block of shared physical memory. Unfortunately, when CPU #1 writes to this block of addresses the CPU caches the data up and might not actually write the data to physical memory for some time. Simultaneously, CPU #2 might be attempting to read this block of shared memory but winds up reading the data out of its local cache rather than the data that CPU #1 wrote to the block of shared memory (assuming the data made it out of CPU #1's local cache). In order for these two functions to operate properly, the two CPU's must communicate writes to common memory addresses in cache between themselves. This is a very complex and involved process.
Currently, the Pentium III and IV processors directly support cache updates between two CPUs in a system. Intel also builds a more expensive processor, the XEON, that supports more than two CPUs in a system. However, one area where the RISC CPUs have a big advantage over Intel is in the support for multiple processors in a system. While Intel systems reach a point of diminishing returns at about 16 processors, Sun SPARC and other RISC processors easily support 64-CPU systems (with more arriving, it seems, every day). This is why large databases and large web server systems tend to use expensive UNIX-based RISC systems rather than x86 systems.
4.9 Putting It All Together
The performance of modern CPUs is intrinsically tied to the architecture of that CPU. Over the past half century there have been many major advances in CPU design that have dramatically improved preformance. Although the clock frequency has improved by over four orders of magnitude during this time period, other improvements have added one or two orders of magnitude improvement as well. Over the 80x86's lifetime, performance has improved 10,000-fold.
Unfortunately, the 80x86 family has just about pushed the limits of what it can achieve by extending the architecture. Perhaps another order of manitude is possible, but Intel is reaching the point of diminishing returns. Having realized this, Intel has chosen to implement a new architecture using VLIW for their IA-64 family. Only time will prove whether their approach is the correct one, but most people believe that the IA-32 has reached the end of its lifetime. On the other hand, people have been announcing the death of the IA-32 for the past decade, so we'll see what happens now.
1Though this is, by no means, the most complex instruction set. The VAX, for example, has instructions up to 150 bytes long!
2There is actually nothing random about this logic at all. This design technique gets its name from the fact that if you view a photomicrograph of a CPU die that uses microcode, the microcode section looks very regular; the same photograph of a CPU that utilizes random logic contains no such easily discernable patterns.
3CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer and defines those CPUs that were popular at the time like the VAX and the 80x86.
4Note, by the way, that this doesn't imply that 80x86 systems are faster than computer systems built around RISC chips. Many RISC systems gain additional speed by supporting multiple processors better than the x86 or by having faster bus throughput. This is one reason, for example, why Internet companies select Sun equipment for their web servers.
5This sequence is not exactly equivalent to LOOP since this sequence affects the flags while LOOP does not.
6Actually, you'll see a little later that there is a decrement instruction you can use to subtract one from ECX. The decrement instruction is better because it is shorter.
7It is not possible to state exactly what steps each CPU requires since many CPUs are different from one another.
8This operation fetches only a byte if ip contains an odd value.
9Note, by the way, that the number of stages in an instruction pipeline varies among CPUs.
10Some RISC chips do not. If you tried this sequence on certain RISC chips you would get an incorrect answer.
11Of course, any instruction you insert at this point must not modify the values in the eax and ebx registers. Also note that the examples in this section are contrived to demonstrate pipeline stalls. Actual 80x86 CPUs have additional circuitry to help reduce the effect of pipeline stalls on the execution time.
12We will ignore the parallelism provided by pipelining and superscalar operation in this discussion.
13For our purposes, fine-grained parallelism means that we are executing adjacent program instructions in parallel.
14Technically, it only needs to execute multiple threads concurrently, but we'll ignore this distinction here since the technical distinction between threads and programs/processes is beyond the scope of this chapter.
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