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Art of Assembly: Chapter Fifteen

15.5 - The Character Set Routines in the UCR Standard Library
15.6 - Using the String Instructions on Other Data Types
15.6.1 - Multi-precision Integer Strings
15.6.2 - Dealing with Whole Arrays and Records

15.5 The Character Set Routines in the UCR Standard Library

The UCR Standard Library provides an extensive collection of character set routines. These routines let you create sets, clear sets (set them to the empty set), add and remove one or more items, test for set membership, copy sets, compute the union, intersection, or difference, and extract items from a set. Although intended to manipulate sets of characters, you can use the StdLib character set routines to manipulate any set with 256 or fewer possible items.

The first unusual thing to note about the StdLib's sets is their storage format. A 256-bit array would normally consumes 32 consecutive bytes. For performance reasons, the UCR Standard Library's set format packs eight separate sets into 272 bytes (256 bytes for the eight sets plus 16 bytes overhead). To declare set variables in your data segment you should use the set macro. This macro takes the form:

		set	SetName1, SetName2, ..., SetName8

SetName1..SetName8 represent the names of up to eight set variables. You may have fewer than eight names in the operand field, but doing so will waste some bits in the set array.

The CreateSets routine provides another mechanism for creating set variables. Unlike the set macro, which you would use to create set variables in your data segment, the CreateSets routine allocates storage for up to eight sets dynamically at run time. It returns a pointer to the first set variable in es:di. The remaining seven sets follow at locations es:di+1, es:di+2, ..., es:di+7. A typical program that allocates set variables dynamically might use the following code:

Set0            dword   ?
Set1            dword   ?
Set2            dword   ?
Set3            dword   ?
Set4            dword   ?
Set5            dword   ?
Set6            dword   ?
Set7            dword   ?
                mov     word ptr Set0+2, es
                mov     word ptr Set1+2, es
                mov     word ptr Set2+2, es
                mov     word ptr Set3+2, es
                mov     word ptr Set4+2, es
                mov     word ptr Set5+2, es
                mov     word ptr Set6+2, es
                mov     word ptr Set7+2, es

                mov     word ptr Set0, di
                inc     di
                mov     word ptr Set1, di
                inc     di
                mov     word ptr Set2, di
                inc     di
                mov     word ptr Set3, di
                inc     di
                mov     word ptr Set4, di
                inc     di
                mov     word ptr Set5, di
                inc     di
                mov     word ptr Set6, di
                inc     di
                mov     word ptr Set7, di
                inc     di

This code segment creates eight different sets on the heap, all empty, and stores pointers to them in the appropriate pointer variables.

The SHELL.ASM file provides a commented-out line of code in the data segment that includes the file STDSETS.A. This include file provides the bit definitions for eight commonly used character sets. They are alpha (upper and lower case alphabetics), lower (lower case alphabetics), upper (upper case alphabetics), digits ("0".."9"), xdigits ("0".."9", "A".."F", and "a".."f"), alphanum (upper and lower case alphabetics plus the digits), whitespace (space, tab, carriage return, and line feed), and delimiters (whitespace plus commas, semicolons, less than, greater than, and vertical bar). If you would like to use these standard character sets in your program, you need to remove the semicolon from the beginning of the include statement in the SHELL.ASM file.

The UCR Standard Library provides 16 character set routines: CreateSets, EmptySet, RangeSet, AddStr, AddStrl, RmvStr, RmvStrl, AddChar, RmvChar, Member, CopySet, SetUnion, SetIntersect, SetDifference, NextItem, and RmvItem. All of these routines except CreateSets require a pointer to a character set variable in the es:di registers. Specific routines may require other parameters as well.

The EmptySet routine clears all the bits in a set producing the empty set. This routine requires the address of the set variable in the es:di. The following example clears the set pointed at by Set1:

                les     di, Set1

RangeSet unions in a range of values into the set variable pointed at by es:di. The al register contains the lower bound of the range of items, ah contains the upper bound. Note that al must be less than or equal to ah. The following example constructs the set of all control characters (ASCII codes one through 31, the null character [ASCII code zero] is not allowed in sets):

                les     di, CtrlCharSet         ;Ptr to ctrl char set.
                mov     al, 1
                mov     ah, 31

AddStr and AddStrl add all the characters in a zero terminated string to a character set. For AddStr, the dx:si register pair points at the zero terminated string. For AddStrl, the zero terminated string follows the call to AddStrl in the code stream. These routines union each character of the specified string into the set. The following examples add the digits and some special characters into the FPDigits set:

Digits          byte    "0123456789",0
                set     FPDigitsSet
FPDigits        dword   FPDigitsSet
                ldxi    Digits          ;Loads DX:SI with adrs of Digits.
                les     di, FPDigits
                les     di, FPDigits
                byte    "Ee.+-",0

RmvStr and RmvStrl remove characters from a set. You supply the characters in a zero terminated string. For RmvStr, dx:si points at the string of characters to remove from the string. For RmvStrl, the zero terminated string follows the call. The following example uses RmvStrl to remove the special symbols from FPDigits above:

                les     di, FPDigits

                byte    "Ee.+-",0

The AddChar and RmvChar routines let you add or remove individual characters. As usual, es:di points at the set; the al register contains the character you wish to add to the set or remove from the set. The following example adds a space to the set FPDigits and removes the "," character (if present):

                les     di, FPDigits
                mov     al, ' '
                les     di, FPDigits
                mov     al, ','

The Member function checks to see if a character is in a set. On entry, es:di must point at the set and al must contain the character to check. On exit, the zero flag is set if the character is a member of the set, the zero flag will be clear if the character is not in the set. The following example reads characters from the keyboard until the user presses a key that is not a whitespace character:

SkipWS:         get                     ;Read char from user into AL.
                lesi    WhiteSpace      ;Address of WS set into es:di.
                je      SkipWS

The CopySet, SetUnion, SetIntersect, and SetDifference routines all operate on two sets of characters. The es:di register points at the destination character set, the dx:si register pair points at a source character set. CopySet copies the bits from the source set to the destination set, replacing the original bits in the destination set. SetUnion computes the union of the two sets and stores the result into the destination set. SetIntersect computes the set intersection and stores the result into the destination set. Finally, the SetDifference routine computes DestSet := DestSet - SrcSet.

The NextItem and RmvItem routines let you extract elements from a set. NextItem returns in al the ASCII code of the first character it finds in a set. RmvItem does the same thing except it also removes the character from the set. These routines return zero in al if the set is empty (StdLib sets cannot contain the NULL character). You can use the RmvItem routine to build a rudimentary iterator for a character set.

The UCR Standard Library's character set routines are very powerful. With them, you can easily manipulate character string data, especially when searching for different patterns within a string. We will consider this routines again when we study pattern matching later in this text.

15.6 Using the String Instructions on Other Data Types

The string instructions work with other data types besides character strings. You can use the string instructions to copy whole arrays from one variable to another, to initialize large data structures to a single value, or to compare entire data structures for equality or inequality. Anytime you're dealing with data structures containing several bytes, you may be able to use the string instructions.

15.6.1 Multi-precision Integer Strings

The cmps instruction is useful for comparing (very) large integer values. Unlike character strings, we cannot compare integers with cmps from the L.O. byte through the H.O. byte. Instead, we must compare them from the H.O. byte down to the L.O. byte. The following code compares two 12-byte integers:

                lea     di, integer1+10
                lea     si, integer2+10
                mov     cx, 6
        repe    cmpsw

After the execution of the cmpsw instruction, the flags will contain the result of the comparison.

You can easily assign one long integer string to another using the movs instruction. Nothing tricky here, just load up the si, di, and cx registers and have at it. You must do other operations, including arithmetic and logical operations, using the extended precision methods described in the chapter on arithmetic operations.

15.6.2 Dealing with Whole Arrays and Records

The only operations that apply, in general, to all array and record structures are assignment and comparison (for equality/inequality only). You can use the movs and cmps instructions for these operations.

Operations such as scalar addition, transposition, etc., may be easily synthesized using the lods and stos instructions. The following code shows how you can easily add the value 20 to each element of the integer array A:

                lea     si, A
                mov     di, si
                mov     cx, SizeOfA
AddLoop:        lodsw
                add     ax, 20
                loop    AddLoop

You can implement other operations in a similar fashion.

15.5 - The Character Set Routines in the UCR Standard Library
15.6 - Using the String Instructions on Other Data Types
15.6.1 - Multi-precision Integer Strings
15.6.2 - Dealing with Whole Arrays and Records

Art of Assembly: Chapter Fifteen - 28 SEP 1996

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