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Art of Assembly: Chapter Eleven

11.8 - Local Variable Storage
11.9 - Recursion

11.8 Local Variable Storage

Sometimes a procedure will require temporary storage, that it no longer requires when the procedure returns. You can easily allocate such local variable storage on the stack.

The 80x86 supports local variable storage with the same mechanism it uses for parameters - it uses the bp and sp registers to access and allocate such variables. Consider the following Pascal program:

        program LocalStorage;
        var     i,j,k:integer;
                c: array [0..20000] of integer;

                procedure Proc1;
                var     a:array [0..30000] of integer;

                {Code that manipulates a and i}


                procedure Proc2;
                var     b:array [0..20000] of integer;

                        {Code that manipulates b and i}



        {main program that manipulates i,j,k, and c}


Pascal normally allocates global variables in the data segment and local variables in the stack segment. Therefore, the program above allocates 50,002 words of local storage (30,001 words in Proc1 and 20,001 words in Proc2). This is above and beyond the other data on the stack (like return addresses). Since 50,002 words of storage consumes 100,004 bytes of storage you have a small problem - the 80x86 CPUs in real mode limit the stack segment to 65,536 bytes. Pascal avoids this problem by dynamically allocating local storage upon entering a procedure and deallocating local storage upon return. Unless Proc1 and Proc2 are both active (which can only occur if Proc1 calls Proc2 or vice versa), there is sufficient storage for this program. You don't need the 30,001 words for Proc1 and the 20,001 words for Proc2 at the same time. So Proc1 allocates and uses 60,002 bytes of storage, then deallocates this storage and returns (freeing up the 60,002 bytes). Next, Proc2 allocates 40,002 bytes of storage, uses them, deallocates them, and returns to its caller. Note that Proc1 and Proc2 share many of the same memory locations. However, they do so at different times. As long as these variables are temporaries whose values you needn't save from one invocation of the procedure to another, this form of local storage allocation works great.

The following comparison between a Pascal procedure and its corresponding assembly language code will give you a good idea of how to allocate local storage on the stack:

procedure LocalStuff(i,j,k:integer);
var l,m,n:integer; {local variables}

        l := i+2;
        j := l*k+j;
        n := j-l;
        m := l+j+n;


Calling sequence:


 Assembly language code:
LStuff_i        equ     8[bp]
LStuff_j        equ     6[bp]
LStuff_k        equ     4[bp]
LStuff_l        equ     -4[bp]
LStuff_m        equ     -6[bp]
LStuff_n        equ     -8[bp]

LocalStuff      proc    near
                push    bp
                mov     bp, sp
                push    ax
                sub     sp, 6                   ;Allocate local variables.
L0:             mov     ax, LStuff_i
                add     ax, 2
                mov     LStuff_l, ax
                mov     ax, LStuff_l
                mul     LStuff_k
                add     ax, LStuff_j
                mov     LStuff_j, ax
                sub     ax, LStuff_l            ;AX already contains j
                mov     LStuff_n, ax
                add     ax, LStuff_l            ;AX already contains n
                add     ax, LStuff_j
                mov     LStuff_m, ax

                add     sp, 6                   ;Deallocate local storage
                pop     ax
                pop     bp
                ret     6
LocalStuff      endp

The sub sp, 6 instruction makes room for three words on the stack. You can allocate l, m, and n in these three words. You can reference these variables by indexing off the bp register using negative offsets (see the code above). Upon reaching the statement at label L0, the stack looks something like:

This code uses the matching add sp, 6 instruction at the end of the procedure to deallocate the local storage. The value you add to the stack pointer must exactly match the value you subtract when allocating this storage. If these two values don't match, the stack pointer upon entry to the routine will not match the stack pointer upon exit; this is like pushing or popping too many items inside the procedure.

Unlike parameters, that have a fixed offset in the activation record, you can allocate local variables in any order. As long as you are consistent with your location assignments, you can allocate them in any way you choose. Keep in mind, however, that the 80x86 supports two forms of the disp[bp] addressing mode. It uses a one byte displacement when it is in the range -128..+127. It uses a two byte displacement for values in the range -32,768..+32,767. Therefore, you should place all primitive data types and other small structures close to the base pointer, so you can use single byte displacements. You should place large arrays and other data structures below the smaller variables on the stack.

Most of the time you don't need to worry about allocating local variables on the stack. Most programs don't require more than 64K of storage. The CPU processes global variables faster than local variables. There are two situations where allocating local variables as globals in the data segment is not practical: when interfacing assembly language to HLLs like Pascal, and when writing recursive code. When interfacing to Pascal, your assembly language code may not have a data segment it can use, recursion often requires multiple instances of the same local variable.

11.9 Recursion

Recursion occurs when a procedure calls itself. The following, for example, is a recursive procedure:

Recursive       proc
                call    Recursive
Recursive       endp

Of course, the CPU will never execute the ret instruction at the end of this procedure. Upon entry into Recursive, this procedure will immediately call itself again and control will never pass to the ret instruction. In this particular case, run away recursion results in an infinite loop.

In many respects, recursion is very similar to iteration (that is, the repetitive execution of a loop). The following code also produces an infinite loop:

Recursive       proc
                jmp     Recursive
Recursive       endp

There is, however, one major difference between these two implementations. The former version of Recursive pushes a return address onto the stack with each invocation of the subroutine. This does not happen in the example immediately above (since the jmp instruction does not affect the stack).

Like a looping structure, recursion requires a termination condition in order to stop infinite recursion. Recursive could be rewritten with a termination condition as follows:

Recursive       proc
                dec     ax
                jz      QuitRecurse
                call    Recursive
QuitRecurse:    ret
Recursive       endp

This modification to the routine causes Recursive to call itself the number of times appearing in the ax register. On each call, Recursive decrements the ax register by one and calls itself again. Eventually, Recursive decrements ax to zero and returns. Once this happens, the CPU executes a string of ret instructions until control returns to the original call to Recursive.

So far, however, there hasn't been a real need for recursion. After all, you could efficiently code this procedure as follows:

Recursive       proc
RepeatAgain:    dec     ax
                jnz     RepeatAgain
Recursive       endp

Both examples would repeat the body of the procedure the number of times passed in the ax register. As it turns out, there are only a few recursive algorithms that you cannot implement in an iterative fashion. However, many recursively implemented algorithms are more efficient than their iterative counterparts and most of the time the recursive form of the algorithm is much easier to understand.

The quicksort algorithm is probably the most famous algorithm that almost always appears in recursive form. A Pascal implementation of this algorithm follows:

procedure quicksort(var a:ArrayToSort; Low,High: integer);

        procedure sort(l,r: integer);
        var i,j,Middle,Temp: integer;

                Middle:=a[(l+r) DIV 2];
                        while (a[i] < Middle) do i:=i+1;
                        while (Middle < a[j]) do j:=j-1;
                        if (i <= j) then begin



                until i>j;
                if l<j then sort(l,j);
                if i<r then sort(i,r);


begin {quicksort};



The sort subroutine is the recursive routine in this package. Recursion occurs at the last two if statements in the sort procedure.

In assembly language, the sort routine looks something like this:

                include         stdlib.a
                includelib      stdlib.lib
cseg            segment
                assume          cs:cseg, ds:cseg, ss:sseg, es:cseg

; Main program to test sorting routine

Main            proc
                mov     ax, cs
                mov     ds, ax
                mov     es, ax

                mov     ax, 0
                push    ax
                mov     ax, 31
                push    ax
                call    sort

                ExitPgm                 ;Return to DOS
Main            endp

; Data to be sorted

a               word    31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16                                                                 
                word    15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0

; procedure sort (l,r:integer)
; Sorts array A between indices l and r

l               equ     6[bp]
r               equ     4[bp]
i               equ     -2[bp]
j               equ     -4[bp]

sort            proc    near
                push    bp
                mov     bp, sp
                sub     sp, 4           ;Make room for i and j. 

                mov     ax, l           ;i := l
                mov     i, ax
                mov     bx, r           ;j := r

                mov     j, bx

; Note: This computation of the address of a[(l+r) div 2] is kind
; of strange. Rather than divide by two, then multiply by two
; (since A is a word array), this code simply clears the L.O. bit
; of BX.

                add     bx, l           ;Middle := a[(l+r) div 2]
                and     bx, 0FFFEh
                mov     ax, a[bx]       ;BX*2, because this is a word
;                                       ; array,nullifies the "div 2"
;                                       ; above.
; Repeat until i > j: Of course, I and J are in BX and SI.

                lea     bx, a           ;Compute the address of a[i]
                add     bx, i           ; and leave it in BX.
                add     bx, i

                lea     si, a           ;Compute the address of a[j]
                add     si, j           ; and leave it in SI.
                add     si, j


; While (a [i] < Middle) do i := i + 1;

                sub     bx, 2           ;We'll increment it real soon.
WhlLp1:         add     bx, 2
                cmp     ax, [bx]        ;AX still contains middle
                jg      WhlLp1

; While (Middle < a[j]) do j := j-1

                add     si, 2           ;We'll decrement it in loop
WhlLp2:         add     si, 2
                cmp     ax, [si]        ;AX still contains middle
                jl      WhlLp2          ; value.
                cmp     bx, si
                jnle    SkipIf

; Swap, if necessary

                mov     dx, [bx]
                xchg    dx, [si]
                xchg    dx, [bx]

                add     bx, 2           ;Bump by two (integer values)
                sub     si, 2

SkipIf:         cmp     bx, si
                jng     RptLp

; Convert SI and BX back to I and J

                lea     ax, a
                sub     bx, ax
                shr     bx, 1
                sub     si, ax
                        shr     si, 1

; Now for the recursive part:

                mov     ax, l
                cmp     ax, si
                jnl     NoRec1
                push    ax
                push    si
                call    sort

NoRec1:         cmp     bx, r
                jnl     NoRec2
                push    bx
                push    r
                call    sort
NoRec2:         mov     sp, bp
                pop     bp
                ret     4

Sort            endp

cseg            ends
sseg            segment stack 'stack'
                word    256 dup (?)
sseg            ends
                end     main

Other than some basic optimizations (like keeping several variables in registers), this code is almost a literal translation of the Pascal code. Note that the local variables i and j aren't necessary in this assembly language code (we could use registers to hold their values). Their use simply demonstrates the allocation of local variables on the stack.

There is one thing you should keep in mind when using recursion - recursive routines can eat up a considerable stack space. Therefore, when writing recursive subroutines, always allocate sufficient memory in your stack segment. The example above has an extremely anemic 512 byte stack space, however, it only sorts 32 numbers therefore a 512 byte stack is sufficient. In general, you won't know the depth to which recursion will take you, so allocating a large block of memory for the stack may be appropriate.

There are several efficiency considerations that apply to recursive procedures. For example, the second (recursive) call to sort in the assembly language code above need not be a recursive call. By setting up a couple of variables and registers, a simple jmp instruction can can replace the pushes and the recursive call. This will improve the performance of the quicksort routine (quite a bit, actually) and will reduce the amount of memory the stack requires. A good book on algorithms, such as D.E. Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3, would be an excellent source of additional material on quicksort. Other texts on algorithm complexity, recursion theory, and algorithms would be a good place to look for ideas on efficiently implementing recursive algorithms.

11.8 - Local Variable Storage
11.9 - Recursion

Art of Assembly: Chapter Eleven - 27 SEP 1996

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