
Downloads Description Link
Download HLA This link takes you to the page where you can download HLA and supporting code.
AoA Code
1st Edition
This link downloads the software associated with the first published edition of "The Art of Assembly Language Programming".
AoA Code
2nd Edition
This link downloads the software associated with the second published edition of "The Art of Assembly Language Programming".

AoA 2nd Edition Code

AoA Code
Electronic Edition
This link downloads the software associated with the (old) electronic edition of "The Art of Assembly Language Programming".
HLA Example Code This link downloads a large number of HLA sample programs in source code form. This download includes the HLA "Adventure Game Engine", "HLA Basic", and the Iczelion tutorials (converted to HLA form).
Win32 API Documentation This link downloads a PDF file describing many of the Win32 API calls available in HLA.
Windows Programming in Assembly Language This link downloads the source code for the on-line electronic book "Windows Programming in Assembly Language" (See http://webster.cs.ucr.edu for the actual book).
Assembler Developer's Kit Write your own assembler. This link directs you to the Webster "Assembler Developer Kit" page where you can learn how to write your own assembler